Roman (Ch.29)

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I found myself humming softly as I walked down through the garden. I was so small the cherry trees looked giant. It was like I was in this magical and enchanted forest. I could already see tiny pixies and sprites flitting about as I made my way through the twisting flowers. The roses smiled at me and the morning glories sang. I joined in on their choir so happy to how the tulips danced about. Even the daffodils seemed to beam. I made my way further and further through the flowers, passing the bleeding hearts and the hydrangea... through the chrysanthemum and amaryllis... even though the peony and lavender until I reached the end and found myself staring at a giant stone wall. 

The great wall... The wall that was supposed to protect the enchanted forest from the evil monsters that wished to tear up all the beautiful flowers. It mocked me. It sneered down at me as if it could come crashing down and destroy everything. I pointed my strong silver sword out towards the looming wall. I was not afraid. I was the brave Prince Roman. I would protect the lovely lilacs and darling dahlias just as well as any wall. I would chase those evil doers far way from every flower in the forest... even the wisteria that loved to whisper and gossip.

I lashed out only to freeze seeing something drop into the soft grass. I frowned letting my toy sword fall as I knelt down to see a small little bird. It moved around trying to get itself back up but its wing was broken. I could feel the tears start to build as I carefully picked the bird up. It nipped at my small fingers with fearful aggression. Dee always said I had to treat animals with kindness. They not only called the earth their home like we do but they cared for it. They protected and cared the earth and in turn, we must care for them. The bird was hurt and frightened. It needed someone to help it. I know... The great Doctor Roman will ask the mighty Druid Deceit what he should do!

I ran inside carefully placing the little bird in a box before running to get Dee. I say run because I'm clearly a speedster. I held the box tightly as I carefully carried it making sure not to jostle the birdy to much as I speedily made my way through the castle like flash. When I finally got to his room I kicked his door so I didn't risk dropping the box. I kicked it so hard it sounded like a cannonball from an enemy pirate ship blasted into the door threatening to take it right off. I hope Deceit doesn't get scared. The door slowly opened to show a very tired and confused looking snake and I laughed.

"Don't worry Dee. It's only me." I laughed a little as he opened the door a little more. It was getting late so I had to make this fast. Deceit became Prince Aurora when the sun went down, only this time, no kiss from a handsome and kind Prince would wake him up. Only the gleam of the early morning sun seemed to the trick.

"Roman, what is that..." The little birdy started to sing so sadly. Like it was crying out... like... I didn't know. It just sounded so sad. It made me cry. I could feel how badly it hurt. How afraid it was... It knew Deceit was a snake and that scared it even more. "Is that a..."

"Dee..." I whined a bit as I started to sob. Deceit tensed up seeing the tears fall from my eyes and he frowned. "Help it."

"Help it?" He yawned as this alarm started going off and I frowned. Sundown... No! I could see how his eyes were getting all glossy like car window in the cold and I ran over tugging on his shirt. "No don't go to sleep yet." He just laughed as he picked me up and walked over to turn the alarm off. "You can't. You have to help the birdy." He sat me down on the bed as he yawned again and I cried. "Deceit. Please?" He blinked a bit as I held on to his hand tightly. I have to keep him up. I'll be the sun. I'll keep him awake so he can help the birdy. I know I can. I'm the magical Roman. I can do anything. I can be anything. "Dee, please. It's hurt."

"It's hurt? What..." He yawned again and I held his hand tighter imagining myself a glowing sun, full of bright energy Dee could fall back on to stay up. His eyes were drooping a bit and I frowned as I literally jumped into his arms. I could feel how tired he was. He was drained. He always gets drained when the sun goes down. He relies on the energy the sun gives off like a snake relies on it for warmth. If I... I could just... I felt him wrap his arms around me and I looked up to see Deceit looking down at me with concern. His eyes were still very glossy but he was more aware then he was two minutes ago. I couldn't help but smile as he frowned in confusion. "Roman?"

"I need you... to help... the birdy."

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