Roman (Ch.23)

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"Roman, I needed to talk to you about Virgil." I narrowed my eyes as I looked over at him. He was tense again. I could see it. It was like this subtle haze just above his skin that vibrated with unchecked nerves. "I'm just going to come out and say it. Take it as you will but please don't hate him."

"He's Drow." Logan froze up instantly and I smiled sadly. "Was that what you wanted to say?" He shot me this look of horrified confusion. I just stared at my hands. "Not only that but... He's royal. One of the royal twins, right? Vaeril... Vaeril Sanders." My face scrunched up a bit in distaste. Not my own. I actually thought Vaeril was a nice name. Unique and mystical sounding... It fit him. I liked how musical it sounded... how it slipped off the tongue. The distaste I felt was not mine... but his. "No... Virgil Sanders. I get the feeling he doesn't really like that name."

"How..." Logan was stunned as I just laughed.

"How did I know? I figured out quite fast actually. I knew at the party he was elven." His eyes darkened and I frowned. "I was scared."

"Well, an elf had just..." I shook my head and his eyes only grew darker.

"I was scared for him, not of him. Maya was a friend of mine." I could see the anger in him and I shook my head with guilt. "Now I only wish I saw the signs. My point is I don't hate elves. I was scared because I knew others did and with what Maya had done I was scared of how they would treat Virgil."

"How did you..."

"His ears." His eyes went wide as I laughed. "It wasn't hard to figure it out without it but... when he got angry his ears turned elven. I figured out he was using a disguise. I felt bad for him."

"Ok... I get that but..." Logan sat there trying to work through his thoughts and I sighed. "I know my son. Virgil would have never told you he was a dark elf."

"Drow." I growled catching his attention real fast. "Dark elves are evil creatures spoke about in legends as elven monsters hell-bent on destroying all of humanity." He frowned as he looked over at me. I could see how bright my eyes were glowing through the sunglasses in the reflection of his own glasses. "Does that sound like Virgil to you?" He shook his head and I smiled. My anger died down a bit but I was still a bit on edge. I don't really know how I feel about Virgil. Half of me wants to protect and defend him as I just did but... the other half holds too tightly to the stories my grandfather told me. It's hard to just ignore everything I was taught growing up. Even if I knew... I KNEW... Virgil was NOT what they spoke about. He's saved my life. Literally... "I..." Logan tensed up as I sighed and stared down at the ground. "I made the discovery the first night on the trip. We had stopped at a motel and Virgil ran out of the room. I think I don't know... He thinks that I think he's human so he..." Logan narrowed his eyes as I continued to just stare at nothing in particular. "He never thought I would go after him. After all, he had told me he had gotten another room. That I didn't have to worry about there only being two beds."

"So why did you follow him?" I just shrugged and looked up at the 'fake' sky above me. We were inside the castle but there were still clouds that hung to the bright blue roof.

"I was worried. I know more than most think. I thought if Deceit crashed at night the way he does then maybe there was something with Virgil too. I was right obviously." Logan frowned as I just laughed a bit brokenly. "You know I honestly wasn't expecting to see him like that. But... no matter what I'm glad I did."

"Do you know about the royal treasure?" I narrowed my eyes as his voice cracked a bit and I frowned.

"Which one?" His eyes narrowed as I started to shake a bit. "I'm assuming you don't mean the fairy spear... and the elven's crystal seems a bit too on the nose to ask about..." I laughed as I took the glasses off again with this broken smile. "So... Me. You're asking about if I know about myself."

"How could you..."

"My eyes are fucking golden, Logan. I nearly had a mental break down in the moon pool over a voice telling me where I supposedly belong. I literally got stabbed in the chest and survived." His eyes went wide as I shook my head. "So, yes... I know what I am. I am still in the process of freaking out over it but... I know." 

"There were side effects?" I cringed as I looked back over at Logan with a frown.

"Don't you dare tell Virgil." His eyes darkened as they narrowed. "The last thing he needs to know right now is that saving my life came at a cost. Besides... the side effects aren't that bad." I started to count them off on my fingers like some small child in elementary school. "My eyes are gold and glow... like Rapunzel from Tangled. I heal people... also like Rapunzel." Logan just listened carefully I went down the list. "I know things I shouldn't... like the fact that I knew Virgil was in the woods even though I never saw him run in there.. or the whole thing with Remi or where you were." I frowned as I let my hand drop a bit. "I somehow made the door unlock by itself too."

"Seems like I'm not the only human who... isn't human anymore." He laughed but I could hear the fear in him. "Roman... Deceit told me what Virgil was planning. And... I would be remiss if I did not say that I am more than a little scared." 

"Planning... What about?" I turned to see Logan fiddling with this locket around his neck and I frowned. "Logan?"

"He's planning a transference." I froze up. He looked over at me and I couldn't stop the way my body shook. 

"A... A-A transference. You mean like..." He nodded and I frowned feeling the weight of what he just said hit me full force. "Who? Who is he..."

"Himself, Roman." I literally jumped up off the bench with this burst of energy responding the shock I felt. Logan just frowned as he stared down at his hands. "According to Deceit... Virgil is planning on doing a transference with his own royal treasure."

"Why? Why would he..." Logan just tensed up as the sound of footsteps filled the area. I quickly put the sunglasses back on and spun around to see Virgil and Deceit making there way over. Logan sighed as he stood up and straightened himself out.

"To save everyone... He'd do nearly anything."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now