Virgil (Ch.3)

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I watched as the prince made his way back to where ever he came from. You know that saying 'hate to see them leave but love to watch them go'? Well, it was NOT like that. He was cute. I'll give him that, but I could see the pompous aura he gave off. Sure he was being kind to me but I could tell it wasn't just to say hello. Nobody just wants to say hello. Did he know about Patton? Did they mention me? I looked over at Deceit as he slowly relaxed once Princey was out of sight. Hey, that's a good one, Princey... That's what I'll call him.

"You didn't have to do that." I said barely whispering. I was trying to calm my nerves. Deceit just laughed and nudged me with his shoulder.

"Your right I didn't. It wasn't like you were so totally already shaking before he even said one word." I hissed and he put his hands up laughing. "Hey, I'm not looking for a cat fight here."

"Shut up..." I said while laughing. I can't escape the puns. I guess it doesn't matter much since I actually enjoy them. DO NOT TELL PATTON I SAID THAT! I sighed and turned to see carriages begin to show up.  I guess he wasn't kidding when he said his party was starting soon. Oh, great more people.

"You don't have to go." I looked back at Deceit and he held his hand out. "We could skip it together." I smiled sadly looking away as he frowned, putting his hand back down at his side.

"Thank you but..." I turned and started back to the room. Deceit stayed behind, slowly disappearing in the distance. "I do."

I felt bad leaving Deceit just hanging like that. He's been my best friend since I could remember. My first crush if I'm being honest too but...Somethings you have to outgrow. That was one of them. Not even he knows the truth, and if I'm lucky... no one ever will.

"Where is my son?! He won't pick up his cell phone. What if he got lost? What if he got hurt? What if..." Great, now I worried Patton. Logan is going to give me an earful for this one.

"Patton, please calm down. Virgil is more than capable. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why he is not answering." Yeah, and it's the fact that I dropped it when this kid came to say hello. Not Roman, another one. He damn near gave me a panic attack and I dropped my phone... into the pond.... and now it won't work. I stood at the door, hesitating on whether I should actually go in. I am not good with stressful situations. 

"What if the reason is he had an attack and he couldn't get to the phone because it was bad and..." I opened the door and Logan gave me a look. I cringed and started rubbing my arm. I know he isn't angry at me. He never actually is. He's worried just like Patton, He just doesn't really show it often. Still, it doesn't change the fact that he looked mad. 

"Sorry dad, I kind of broke my phone." Patton whipped around and immediately pulled me into a hug. His wings fluttering so fast we both began to hover. I pried myself out of his arms and I awkwardly shuffled to the side. He just laughed and sat on one of the beds in the room we were given.

"As long as your alright. You had me worried there." I smirked and pulled my hood up over my beanie again.

"Yeah, you sounded pretty pathetic, almost as bad as me." His smile died instantly and he crossed his arms.

"Now you stop that right now mister."

"What did I do now?"

"I will physically fight you." I just laughed and hugged my hoodie. That is always his go to. I remember the day I first met him. He was so kind, even to someone like me... someone like... "I mean it, Virgil. Stop that!"

"Patton, I don't think that will actually help." Logan said as he pulled Patton into his arms. "Why don't we go and let the kid get ready for the party." I looked my self over and frowned.

"I'm not changing." Logan looked over at me and shook his head in annoyance.

"The party is best dress."

"This is my best dress." He glanced at Patton and sighed, before pointing to his head. My eyes went wide and I pulled my beanie even father down nearly covering my whole head. "THE HAT STAYS!"

"Ok kiddo. As long as you are comfortable. That is all that matters." I fixed my beanie as Patton pulled Logan out of the room. I stood up and stared at myself in the mirror.

"Maybe I could do something..."

*Discontinued* CursedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu