Virgil (Ch.49)

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I knew I was hurting him. His skin blacked where I touched him, if only for a moment before returning to normal. Normal. What exactly is normal? What is Roman's normal? What is going on with him? We never actually discussed the glowing, the knowing thing he shouldn't, the dreams and shit, or the way his skin had burnt mine. Or... Or the kiss.

I felt my face heat up as I buried myself into him even more. He kissed me. He kissed me and then... And then I kissed him. I actually kissed him. I couldn't help but laugh at my ridiculousness. I am 115 years old. And... And that was actually my first 'proper' kiss.

"Virgil?" His chest vibrated as he called my name and I hummed to let him know I was listening. I didn't feel like moving right now. Even if I looked only half as bad as I felt, I would still be a total mess. "Virgil we should start."

"Start what?" I hummed as he wrapped an arm around me.

"You need to let your walls down." Oh. I narrowed my eyes as I pulled away and his eyes widened a bit. I probably looked horrendous. I wiped all the tears off my face and frowned. 

"Why? Why can't we just finish the mission and be done with it?

"I don't ever want to be 'done' with you, Virgil." His eyes shone with desperation as he searched mine. "I love you. I want to help you." He held his hand out for me to take and I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "I may be getting us there but you still have to lead the way."

"Roman, what are we doing?" I cautiously took his hand in mine feeling the anxiety building in me. He just smiled as he took a deep breath.

"What's a happy memory you have of your father?" My eyes went wide as started shaking my head. The problem was just the simple act of him asking that triggered my mind to go through all the memories I had of my Father. One stuck out a bit more than the others and I could feel the tears building. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted this all to stop. But Roman held my hand tightly and the black started to shift around us. I watched in awe as the black melted away and I found us staring at a large circular table. 


"Vaeril?" I jumped hearing his deep voice and I slowly turned to see my father standing there in the doorway. A small boy came running over with this sheet of paper and I tensed up. This... This was the memory. How? This just isn't possible. We couldn't possibly.

"Relax, Virgil." Roman whispered in my ear as he leads me over to the table where Father and little me were currently going to sit.

"Dad, look!" I was 7 at the time. I was super excited because I had learned that father was going to be starting his lessons soon. I mean my education at the time was fine. I was 7. I really didn't care about all that though. It was all pretty normal subjects. You know, Math, English, Science... Basic Latin, proper etiquette, and dance... Combat... Basic beginner combat, pretty much just self-defense at that time but still. Like I said, normal subjects. However, Father was going to be starting lessons for me alone. I was super excited. So, I drew him a picture to stave off the jittery hyperactiveness. "Look. Look. Look." Father laughed as he took the picture from Vae's hands and I smiled softly at how his eyes lit up. It really wasn't anything special. I was only a child but even still...

"It's beautiful, Vae." His eyes teared up as he held it tightly. Roman was smiling next to me as he watched the scene play out. I just narrowed my eyes. What was the point of this? I don't see it. "Son, would you mind walking with me? There is something I would like to discuss." The little me jumped up with a smile fixing his jacket and gloves before taking Fathers hand.

"Why did you wear all that?" I glanced over at Roman in confusion as he slowly lead us both to follow. He pointed at the smaller me and I frowned. "The jacket and gloves. You weren't even wearing shorts. Why?"

"I was young, Roman." He shot me this look and I frowned. "Meaning, I wasn't able to suppress my emotions. I was only a child... a very emotional child." My eye darkened as I squeezed his hand a bit to try and calm my nerves. "I AM very emotional in general. You think my control of magic is bad? Imagine what I would be like if I let the walls down."


"No Roman. I'm serious. Think about it for a second. If I let the walls down completely... If I let my emotions out fully..." I just sighed and shook my head trying to get back to whatever I was supposed to be seeing from this. "Nevermind."

"Vae, as you know you're going to be king someday..." Dads voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I could hear Roman sighing beside me. Dad and the smaller me were just walking down this hall. " such it will be your responsibility to protect the kingdom and its people." The smaller me just jumped in front of him spinning around till he was skipping backward still holding fathers hand. "Vae..."

"I'm a prince, Dad." Vae had this huge smile on his face cut Father off. "It's already my responsibility." Dad stopped short causing all of us to freeze as Vae giggled. "And I take that job very ser... seri... cereal." Roman burst out laughing and I shook my head smiling a bit. The little me was trying too hard to look serious and intimidating but Father was no better than Princey, laughing his ass off at the mistake his son made.

"You said responsibility but couldn't say seriously?"

"Shut up, Ro. I was 7."

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