Roman (Ch.44)

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I sat there at this table in the run down cabin Deceit had managed to 'fix up' and I... I was so damn tense. There were bodies littered all around this place. Death and ash hung tight to the earth like a curse never to be lifted. I could feel the pain in this place. I could feel the anguish. I hated it. However, the real reason I was so tense was the pain screams of the man I loved coming from the closed door beside me as dark energy pulsed out like a wavelength broadcasting his suffering. As if the cripplingly heartbreaking sounds that escaped him wasn't evident enough to the torture he was enduring.

It was literally killing me. Virgil he... I cringed into myself as his world ending cries tore through the place again. I could feel his pain so strongly. His guilt. His heartbreak. Everything. It hurt. It hurt so much. I found myself crying right along with him. 

"Roman?" Deceit sat down beside me and I tense up involuntarily. He just sighed as he waited for me to realize he was there. I took a while but I managed to pull myself out of the pained screams and turned to look at him. "Are you..."

"The man I love is screaming out in complete and total agony." He tensed up with a frowned and I shook my head. "No. I am not alright. I won't be until whatever this is lets up." But it's not going to let up. It won't because it's not the darkness or an eclipse that caused this. It isn't the moonlight or some rouge spell. It isn't a curse. It's his mind. I can feel it, his pain digging into my skin. The look on his face when we had finally caught up to him. He was in shock, just staring at the boy of... of his sister. 

100 years and she was still just sitting there like the day it happened. It was like this damn broke in Virgil's mind. All his pain and emotions erupted out of him as breaking through the flood gates. It took everything in our power just to get Virgil into the cabin and contained. Contained? He's not... He's suffering and we had to lock him up for his own safety. Have I mentioned how much I hate this?

"Roman... We need to talk." I only nodded. He said the same thing at the Fairy castle before all this shit happened. We never got the chance to talk then and now I know even more. To be honest, though, I think he's just trying to distract me from my love's pain. "Roman... Roman, I'm sorry."

"What?" I barely caught that. Actually no, I didn't catch it. I read his lips. His voice was so quiet the sound never made to my ears. "Sorry? About what?" He looked up at me with this sad look and I frowned.

"For being an Ass? For... For everything."

"I hope you aren't referring to  the fall." His eyes narrowed as I just laughed sadly. "I climbed a wall and fell. It was to fast for you to have even down anything regardless o if you were paying attention. It's not your fault. Beside..." I tapped my head as his eyes slowly widened. "Still here and kicking."

"How do you..." His eyes darkened as his hands shook a bit. "When you woke up, you had total amnesia. You forgot everything and everyone. How do you remember now?"

"I had a trip down memory lane, D." He shot me this confused look and I shrugged. "I don't know what else to tell you other then I was shone. Well, shone is a loose term. I remember a lot. It was like... Watching a home video and getting all nostalgic. The home video just shows you bits and pieces of the memory but the domino effect is there. You start remembering things that led up to with triggered similar memories or random one that just made you smile." He as just sitting there listening to everything I said as I smiled off at nothing. Well, not nothing. I was smiling at the memories that passed my mind. "I remember this one time I dressed myself all up in black and told you we were going to live in the woods like hermits." He couldn't hold back the laugh which only made me smile more. "No would find us and we'd just be there with the animals living in peace. But then you reminded me about how much I would miss an actual bed."

"How... is this possible?" He was choking back sobs and I looked away. "Roman, I really am..."

"Don't sweat it, D." I could feel the guilt in him and I wanted to take it all away. "I forgot about you. I forgot everything. The fact that it hurt you so much that you couldn't bear to be with me actually means a lot."

"But I treated you like shit."

"You were letting your pain out the only way you knew how. Just because your a fairy doesn't mean you don't feel as strongly as any human..." I sighed and pointed back towards the door with a frown. "Or elf."

"Roman, you can't just ignore what I..."

"Will you just stop?" He froze up with tears still in his eyes and I smiled sadly as I ran a hand through my hair. "20 years, D. 20 years you've been by my side. After that fall... After the heartbreak, you went through losing me... You could've gone home."

"No, I couldn't have." 

"Yes, you could have. But you didn't... Sure you pushed me away an started to be the bully but you still stayed with me. And when things started happening again you fell right back into that protective and worried persona. Deceit, I know better than anyone how much you care." His eyes darkened as I smiled more at him. "I've seen it."

"Seen what?" I just laughed earning a glare from the snake prince.

"I've seen the way you smiled when we played. I've seen the way your eyes lit up when I said I loved you..." His eyes only grew darker as I went on. "I've seen the way you cried." He tensed up looking away as I frowned. "After I fell you were there beside me crying your eyes out wracked with guilt that wasn't yours to feel. The guilt you still feel. Deceit I don't hate you. I never have."


"I. never. hated. you!" He slowly looked back at me with this confused look as I tried to give him a smile. "I found you a bit unsettling and nerve-wracking but... I never hated you. Not once. I couldn't even say I was scared or angry just... your eyes. There was always something about your eyes. This look you would always have."

"Sorry." I just groaned.

"Stop apologizing. We're friends, Dee. That's all that matters anymore." My blood ran cold as this explosive sound tore through the room and I froze up. Virgil... "Ok that... That's it." I started to get up when something grabbed my hand only to jerk back. I turned to see Deceit holding his wrist no doubt nursing a burn and I frowned.

"You can't go in there." His eyes were filled with pure desperation that only got worse as I shook my head. "Roman, he isn't stable. He'll kill..."

"He won't kill me."

"Roman, you can heal but you're still..." I just shot him this look cutting him off. "You can't go in there."

"I am not going got leave him to suffer alone. He can't hurt me... trust me please." His eyes softened as I felt the tears start to fall from my eyes. "I love him. I can't... I just can't ignore his pain."

"But... He isn't in his right mind. He could lash out. He might not recognize you, Roman."

"That's fine." His eyes narrowed as I smiled. "He doesn't have to know it's me for me to help him. I'll be fine just... believe me when I say I know what I'm doing." 

"Ok, Ro... I... I trust you."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now