Roman( Ch.47) *TW*

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(I don't normally do this but my anxiety was getting the better of me so I thought why the hell not. Better to be safe than sorry. Those of you that read this are probably more than aware this book has triggers. But just in case you skipped the description or never noticed it was updated. I have put a HUGE trigger warning on the whole book. I don't usually put a warning on chapters. I put them in the discription. Anyway, as you've obviously seen there is a lot of violence and blood and death and near death events already in the book but I just wanted to remind people because this chapter specifically gets VERY dark. As it involves the death of a 10-year-old boy and a mother in a VERY TWISTED way. I should hope that if you're reading this then your ok and being safe but I just thought I would reiterate the warning. THIS CHAPTER IS VERY DARK PROCEED WITH CAUTION!)

I was mortified. Totally and completely mortified and appalled to even be in the same race as these people. I followed Virgil into castle struggling to avoid the falling debris as he pushed through without issue. Knights seemed to come out of the woodwork wasting no time in going after the enraged and desperate prince. 

However, Virgil was not hinder in the slightest. He pulled this sword out of his hoster and never missed a step. I watched in amazement and pride as Virgil bent back dodging a blade that sliced the air. He kicked his foot out knocking the man over before jumping back to block another's sword, roundhouse kicking the knight into a burning post. The young prince took off running only to slide on his knees to dodge another blade, spinning around to thrust his own sword into the knights back. I watched as he jumped up kicking the now dead man back into the knight behind him before taking off again.

I jumped off the ground, and using a wall as kick pad, launched himself high enough to grab the banister before jumping onto a higher floor completely bypassing the broken and burnt staircase as if it was never there and never a problem. I was... stunned. Virgil was a literal badass. He was fighting his way through men and flames with such ease, parkour his way up higher and higher, never once stopping to breathe. I was struggling to keep up and I wasn't even fighting. We made it to the top and I watched as Virgil burst through the wooden door only to freeze at the horrifying sight in front of him. 

"VAERIL!" The little boy cried out begging for his older brother to save him as His mother stood there silently pleading. The man currently tying the noose around the boy's neck only smiled seeing the broken expression on Virgil's face. I... I don't want to be human anymore. Can I change races? This makes me sick.

"I see the Demon Prince has arrived." I froze up hearing the guttural grown erupting from Virgil's lips. He held his sword out as the man just laughed checking to make sure his knots we all tight.

"Let them go!" Virgil yelled out. His voice boomed with a presence you could not ignore. However, the man did not seem to care or acknowledge he had even spoken. No, instead he over to the mother and connected the rope tied to the boy's feet the rope around wrists. Virgil flipped. "I SAID LET THEM..."

"Ah ah ah, Mister Prince." The man joked as he held a small knife to the queen's throat. "I'm afraid I don't listen to monsters. My only job is to send them to hell in the most creative ways I can."

"He's just a child. Not 10 years old..." Virgil took a small step forward earning a raised eyebrow from the man. "Whatever happened to sparing the children, women, and the elderly?"

"A child... A woman? I'm sorry but all I see are devils in dressing." His face lit up as he sent the knife right into the queen's throat pushing her over the edge. "Oops."

"NO!" Virgil screamed out trying to reach his brother before the rope pulled him over the edge. The man just laughed as if he enjoyed this.  There is no way to describe how I felt watching Virgil race to save his brother. There is no word profound and deep enough to explain how... sick I felt. Virgil was a mere second... A SECOND to late. His brother reached out with the type of desperation that you make you want to throw up. He slipped right out of virgils fingers before the prince could grab hold tight enough. He was gone. Over the edge and... The rope still tied to the banister tensed up as the combined weight strained again the burning tower. Virgil never screamed. He never cried out. He was in shock and in silence. I bet you couldn't even hear his heart beating. 

"Oops?" The pure rageful energy that ripped from him was enough to make the gods bent the knee. Shadows erupted out of his body as if Satan himself made an appearance. Virgil slowly turned his head and you could see... no... that wasn't a strong enough statement. You couldn't see it. You couldn't feel it. HE WAS BLOODLUST! "You sent a CHILD to a death like that... and all you could say was OOPS!

There was denying the fear that filled the man as Virgil started to get closer. He had looked the devil in the eyes and he had choked. He had tempted fate. He had angered God and death himself was coming to collect. The man tried to run but Virgil just twitched, the door literally exploding in response to the energy he was letting off. The flames that once filled the castle now clung to his feet slowly climbing as if he really was the devil. 

"Monster doesn't even come CLOSE to what you are!" The man stumbled back falling on his ass as he desperately tried to escape the avenging angel before him. Virgil grabbed the man by collar lifting him high into the air as the fire that covered him licked at the man's face. The prince showed no emotion. His face as blank as a canvas... as cold as the Arctic. Even as he sent his fist into the man's chest sending him flying through the towers back wall. Virgil simply peered over the edge as the man's screams ended abruptly the moment he landed on a metal fence. Basically... the man became a shish kabab. "Oops."

I just stood there frozen as Virgil walked away. He walked away from all of it, slowly making his way down to the ground painfully slow. He made it back to the first floor with the knights he left in a rush. He didn't move a muscle in their direction. He didn't even look at them. The moment they went to attack him they all froze. I could see these blackened cracks appear on their skin as Virgil simply past them. With seconds all light within them had been stolen and the dark twisted until they were solely focused on killing the monster before them... themselves. 

Virgil walked out into the rain and lightning that crashed around him as if Zeus himself was enraged. I didn't even know what I could have said... even if I could. He looked up at the bodies and with a literal blink, the rope was snapped. I could only watch as Virgil went about building a small pyre out of the wood from the castle. He surrounds his mother and brother with is all as the fire that still clung to him despite the rain reached out setting the two ablaze. 

"Ex cinere renasci." He whispered through the storm. not a single tear fell from his eyes as he watched the flames rise higher and higher until they seemed to kiss the sky. As if... As if the gods were welcoming the two with open arms. "A parte beatus donec iterum conveniant.

I couldn't take it anymore. No, actually I stopped being able to take it LONG before this. Even still I found my self reaching out for him again. My hand grazed his shoulder and he tensed up, his eyes snapping open as if he actually felt me. Wait... did he? He slowly looked back as the world faded to black and narrowed his eyes in confusion. Before I even knew what was happening I had pulled him into a hug so strong, he could not escape.


*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now