Roman (Ch.32)

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My eyes snapped open and I found myself sitting in the dark. I... I remember. How? How could I... I tugged on the chains that bond me to the ground and my blood ran cold. Dee's gonna freak out. I looked around but could only see a small candle flickering in the corner of the room. If it could be called that. I was in a tent. Younger me would have made these chains disappear no problem but... I'm not as skilled as I used to be. I don't understand how he had such control... I WAS 4. I just... Right now, I want light. I can't see a damn thing.

I could see the tiny flame growing smaller and my heart lurched. I strained to get over to it but there was no way with these chains around my wrists. It wasn't that I was afraid of the dark. No, actually I really loved it. The problem was... I was kidnapped and I'm chained up. I may not be able to die but that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore the danger. I still feel pain. So please... please don't die little flame. Please don't...

I slipped and fell flat on my face. This sucked. It really did. The little candle burned out and I was just left in the dark. I was scared. I mean... at any moment a knife could... No, stop that Roman. You're only going to set yourself...

Wait. Set myself off.

I slowly sat up and pushed my back against the wooden pole, letting myself melt into the buzz that surrounded me. I'm much older now. I was 4 when I started using my powers. I was 4... I was strong as I could be. I mean... I freaking woke Dee up without even trying because I had an episode. I'm 21 now. I can do anything I put my mind to. I know I can... 

I closed my eyes and felt the air slowly heat up around me. I'm a royal treasure. I'm like a freaking sun. I've shined brighter than any lamp without much effort before this. I can do it again now. I can light up the room. I know I can... I just know I can.

The air started to heat up around me and I couldn't help but smile as I opened my eyes to find my skin glowing like a star. I've become the star from stardust... funny right? She... She had the man she loved. I'm alone. Well, not alone. There are elves around... Elves that want nothing more than to figure out how to kill me. They've tried. Oh god have they tried. The blood covering my cloth was more than enough proof of that. Even... Even if they never left a single mark.

I laid back thinking about all the shit I've been through recently. All the things I've learned about myself... even about Deceit. To think the prick that teased and tormented me for years was... was the same man that whispered out that he loved me in his sleep. That... cried over not being fast enough to save me... that... 

That watched over and protected me for 20 years.

I'm going to have to make it up to him. I... I can remember these night we'd just lay outside and cloud gaze. Or when I pushed him into playing these ridiculous characters but he would pretend to be them regardless of the obvious embarrassment that I now would even feel... all with a smile on his face.

The look on his face when he thought something was wrong with me. It was like this complete switch. I can't... tell you why he pulled away. I can't... explain why he became the bully. I don't know why. What I do know... Is that in that moment, he was scared. He was scared something was wrong and all he could see was that little boy all wrapped up hurt in bed. He was scared. 

And now I'm gone... He has to be losing it. They both must be. Oh god, Virgil... Virgil...

Tears pricked at my eyes and the glow that surrounded me grew brighter in response to my sadness. My need... My need to reach him. I just vanished. That poor man must be panicking o-or worse. If there is anything worse...

I owe that man my life... LITERALLY. I owe him everything and I know he's hurting. I can feel it. Like this weight on my chest. I hate it. I hate that he's hurting. I hate that I'm hurting him. I-If I never left the RV, none of this would have happened. HOW THE FUCK DID THEY EVEN KNOW I WOULD BE THERE?!

I could see Virgil smiling above me and I wanted to break. I reached out to him desperately wanting to hold him close to tell him I'm ok... Or that I will be. I just wanted him. I... I never realized just how much. I knew... I knew the idea of seeing him hurt, hurt me more than any cut. I knew the way he smiled made my heart race but... I never knew just how much I truly cared until I was forced to be apart from him. Virgil...

My Dark Elf... Ha.

My Dark Elf... If Grandfather heard me say that he would've locked me up for speculation of insanity. He was insane. So was his father. Virgil is NOT a Dark elf. Dark elves are evil. They're... well dark. Virgil shines even brighter than me. He shines against the shadows the surround him. He's Drow. My... My Drow.

My Virgil...

I miss him so much. The light flared out as the tears finally started to fall. I missed him... I needed him. I need to see him again. I... I lo...

I love him.

The light that surrounded me exploded out lighting up the tent as if the sun itself came down to say hello. I just laid there smiling up through the tears. I love him. I laughed a bit ignoring the sound of frantic footsteps filing in.

I love Virgil Sanders.

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