Virgil (Ch. 38)

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(If you read this earlier I apologize... I published it and then changed my mind. I realize this chapter fit better later than originally posted. If you haven't... Well then, enjoy lolz)

I just sat there on the couch lost in thought. It wasn't like I had any idea what to do. To be honest I didn't even know if this was real or not. Roman is a human. Right? 

The way he glowed... his golden eyes... the way he knew things he shouldn't have... I was scared. But more so of what this could mean. He's the only son of King Thomas Sanders of the Human realm. Even still the way Deceit looked when I told him Roman was glowing in my dream... It was obvious that I was not going crazy. Even though I clearly was...

He knew what was going on. He said he didn't what to lie to me anymore... to either one of us but he's still... keeping things from me. Did I scare him that much? Was he afraid I would hurt Roman? I wouldn't hurt Ro... I can't hurt Roman. I...

I miss him.

"Virgil?" I choked back the sobs that threatened to tear through me as I buried my head in my hands. I was definitely going crazy. I mean... Roman isn't here. So how... "Virgil... what's wrong?" How am I hearing his voice? I heard as someone knelt down in front of me but I didn't move. I knew if I looked up I would see him. I'd see the blood on his shirt. I'd see the pain he struggled to hide from me. I'd see the beautiful and entrancing glow in his golden eyes. Right now... I just wanted to cry. "Virgil, talk to me."

"You're not really here." I knew I spoke out loud if the sound of Dee shuffling in his seat to look back at me told me anything. "I'm going crazy."

"You're not going crazy." I just shook my head. "Virgil, look at me." I didn't move. I could hear him sigh as I began to shake. "Virgil, please?"

"You're not really here, Roman." The RV swerved a bit and I looked up to see Dee staring at me in shock through the rearview mirror. I just laughed. 

"I may not be physically in front of you Virgil but I AM here." I looked over at him and my heart started to race. His bright glowing eyes burned with concern as he searched for something in mine to tell him what was wrong. "Virgil, I am here. Right here in front of you."

"No, your not. You're some kind of hallucination." My hands started to reach towards my head as the frustration build. "I-I'm losing my mind. The dreams... a-and now this. I can't do this, Roman. I can't..."

"Virgil, please listen to me." His voice cracked and I chest got heavy at the pain in his voice. "I am here." He smiled sadly as he reached out to caress my cheek. I couldn't feel his touch... that is if he actually touched me, but... I felt this warmth. Like in the dream... A calming warmth that I melted into. "Please believe me."

"Believe you?" Deceit tensed up slowly bring the RV  to a stop as he just sat there. "You're not..."

"Virgil, please!" I cringed slightly as his eyes began to tear up. "I'm trying... I'm trying so hard. I don't... What can I do to prove to you this real?"

"You can't prove this... this is... I'm not.... stable right now." His eyes darkened as I clenched my fists tightly. "I'm not stable right now... Not since you."

"Whatever, it is, I don't care." I just frowned and laughed.

"You have to say that... you're not real." Roman yelled out in frustration as he paced around the room. I just followed him with my eyes. "You're just an image my own mind created. A mirage... a trick of the light."

"Why won't you believe me? Why does no one ever believe me?" Deceit sat down next to me with this concerned look in his eyes.

"What's he doing?" I shook my head and frowned.

"He's just pacing..." He yelled out again in frustration as he talked to himself. "... and bitching about no one ever believing him." Deceit laughed a little causing me to narrow my eyes at him and Roman froze.

"Wait, DECEIT!" I jumped slightly as Roman ran over pointing at the snake. "He can prove it. He'll know this is real. Then you'll have to..."

"How the fuck is Deceit going to prove to me your really here?" Dee tensed up as he looked around and I laughed in disbelief. "He can't see you."

"He doesn't need to. He's my guardian." My eyes went wide as Roman smiled brightly lighting the space up a little bit. How does he know about that? Deceit never... At least I thought he never told Roman. "He knows more about me that I even know myself right now. He can prove it." 

"How?" I glanced over at the snake who was just as confused. Of course, he was only hearing my part of the conversation.

"Ask him about the bird."

"The bird?" The response was instant. I looked over to find Deceit sitting there frozen in shock as his body shook. 

"I was 4. " Roman's voice was quiet as if hesitant to say anything. I could stop staring at Deceit. "There was a bird that broke its wing. I brought it to Deceit for him to help."

"H-He can't mean..." Deceit glanced over at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. "What bird?"

"THE bird." I frowned as Roman stood back up with a smile. "T-Tell him... Tell he talks in his sleep."

"WHAT?" I was so fucking confused. Roman just nodded, clearly telling me to do it and I frowned. "He said you..." I looked over at Dee and sighed. "He said you talk in your sleep." His face paled and I could see the tears start to fall. I started to freak out but he just laughed as he wiped them away.

"Fucking moron. Why did you have to say something embarrassing  like that?" Roman laughed as Dee smiled brightly. "How? How do you remember..."

"Mind over matter." Roman chuckled a little bit as he smiled sadly to himself. "It's become my motto. God if I really wanted to be embarrassing I would have mentioned how he cried like a baby in Father's arms when I..." He froze up as his eyes instantly went dark.

"He cried when you what?" Deceit frowned in confusion as Roman frowned looking away. "Ro..."

"It doesn't matter. There's just... a lot I need to say to him." He looked back over at me with this solemn smile as he knelt down in front of me again. "Please tell me you believe me now. That you believe that I'm really here. That I'd NEVER leave you. That I lo..." There was a crash outside the RV causing it to jerk hard. I was flung off the couch hitting my head on the floor hard enough to leave a bruise. "Virgil... Virgil, what's going on?"

"Shit!" Deceit jumped up grabbing his spear and I watched as it turned into cuff on his wrist that you couldn't take off. He looked back at me with this fire in his eyes and I frowned.

"Virgil, what's..."

"We arrived." I whispered out cutting Roman off as another blast hit the Rv completely destroying the engine.

"The hell?! Stop destroying it!" Roman yelled out as he ran to look out the front window that.. well it wasn't a window anymore. He froze up the moment he got there and I frowned. "V-Virgil... Th-That's Nia."

"Nia?" I slowly made my way over to Roman to see this 'carbon copy' of Maya standing there with a smile on her face. Shit... That bitch had a sister. Roman was shaking beside me obviously terrified. He looked over at me and my heart dropped. The pure fear in his eyes was enough to turn the sun to ice. "See you soon?" His face paled and he shook his head pleadingly.

"Don't die."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now