Roman (Ch.27)

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After that miracle in the van... Seeing Virgil... I didn't get that again. No instead I was thrown into the dirt at the feet of this girl who looked no older than me. I knew she was older though. She was an elf. What got me though, as I looked up I saw Maya. No... She just looked EXACTLY like her. 

"He's alive." Her voice was cold as her eyes burn with this unabated hatred. I felt myself get jerked back into a kneeling position as a knife was held out towards here. She just narrowed her eyes as she carefully took it in her hand. "Why?"

"We tried to kill him, Nia. He just wouldn't croak."  She knelt down in front of me as she slowly dug the tip of the blade into my chest with narrowed eyes. "We thought you might like to try."

"M-Maya?" My voice cracked as I stared at the woman in front of me. Her eyes just lit up, glowing bright yellow with such rage. "M-May..." The knife dug in a little deeper and I cried out. 

"Did she cry out?" I frowned as I looked up to see tears forming in her eyes. "Did my baby sister cry when you killed her?"

"Y-You're what?" I felt the knife slice through my skin and I screamed out. I stared at the blood steadily streaming down my arm as the cut began to glow and heal. She forced me to look her in the eyes and she frowned seeing my eyes start to glow.

"Did. My. Sister. Scream. When you lit her up in flames?" I shook my head and felt the searing pain tear through me again as I looked down to see a gash through my chest. "DID MAYA SCREAM?!"

"I DIDN'T KILL MAYA!" I cried out as she went to stab me causing her to freeze. "She was my friend. If anything I felt guilty that I couldn't help her." The girl scoffed as she held the blade up again my neck.

"Liar." She sent the blade across my throat and I fell back choking on my own blood. Even then, I could still feel my heart beating. It beat hard against my chest as my throat burned with energy, no doubt healing itself to stop me from dying. I... I don't actually think I can die. The girl watched with shock as I healed and frowned. "Well, shit." She jumped on top of me driving the knife right through my forehead and everything went black.

You'd think that would have been enough to kill me.

You'd be wrong.

My eyes snapped open to show I was chained up to the ground in this tent. I was terrified. My skin burned as the unchecked magic energy raged about the room. It dug into me begging me to reach out for it. I was in pain. I was in tears. I slowly pushed myself up, leaning against the wooden pole behind me. I noticed real quick how the elves guarding the door tensed up. 

Fear tore through the place amplified by the magic that permeated everything and I cringed. They're scared of me. They're scared because I should be dead. I was stabbed through the literal brain... not even a zombie would survive that. They were scared because I was even more unnatural than the literal undead. They both were thinking about what would happen if I somehow got free. They would not be able to kill me and that frightened them. 

How the fuck did I know what they were thinking? No... I wasn't reading their minds. I couldn't hear their thoughts. I just literally knew that's what they were thinking about. I seem to 'just know' a lot of things. Like... I knew that something bad was coming. not bad as in kill me dead... or monster bad no... something bad was going to happen. I just knew it... I glanced around the room trying to focus on something... anything that might tell me what it was I was sensing but nothing helped. The bad feeling I had did not come from this place. It came from something else... someone else. 

I... I need to get a better understanding of this magic of mine. It's not just going to go away. I am a royal treasure. An... An immortal one apparently. HOW THE FUCK...

"Treasures can't die silly." I plummeted into the void so fast my head spun. I turned to see the little sprite from the moon pool just standing there and I frowned. How in the word... "This is your mental space, Roman. A place we can connect... Where all treasures can connect."

"I don't understand." The little sprite smiled sadly as they took my hand. The black slowly began to ebb away until I found myself staring out at the castle grounds. I saw a little boy run across the field and I smiled. That's me. I know it is. I was... 

"You were 7, Roman." Wait... I was seven. But that's when... "When you fell...yes." 

"Roman, be careful!" I looked over to see Deceit yelling over his shoulder as he was talking to one of the guards. The like Roman just laughed as he ran around pretending to be fighting a hundred villains at once. I couldn't help but smile. I didn't remember this. I didn't remember anything from before the fall. I didn't even remember the fall. To be honest it always seemed to slip my mind that it even happened at all. Father never wanted to talk about it and Deceit pulled away. I was just informed it had happened and that was that. As a child it... it never really sunk in. However, as an adult, watching the younger me throw his wooden sword to the ground and begin to climb the stone wall... I was scared. Deceit was talking with a knight. He wasn't paying attention and before either man could turn around little Roman was already too high. 

Stone by stone, little Roman climbed. A big smile on his face as he neared the top. He could taste victory. He was going to save the prince locked high up in the tower. He had defeated the knights that held him captive. Now it was just about reaching him. I watched as he held his hand out desperate to grab the hand of imagined prince smiling down at him... only for his grip to slip. I watched with horrified eyes as he fell. Time moved painfully slow as fear blasted through the space around me. Deceit spun around a little too late. Little Roman head hit a rock and everyone screamed out. It was utter chaos. I was frozen seeing the blood oozing out around the child's head. His eyes open and glazed over as if dead, but... I wasn't dead. I was alive. And even more so... I couldn't die.


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