Roman (Ch.37)

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"Roman, the base of your races magic is the mind. Mind over matter isn't just some mantra for you. It's your literal power. And coupled with the fact that you're the heir to the human throne... Your imagination and creativity are off the charts. You could dream up anything and make it a reality. You could literally make miracles." Their face lit up as they spoke. I was trying to take in all I could but... I couldn't get past the questions I had.

"You said the treasures were just a catalyst. Then... what exactly is that crystal curse." Their eyes darkened as he frowned and sighed. 

"Treasures are the culmination of ALL of that races magic. Humans are simple yet powerful. Their magic is literally there mind. There is only one race of Human. The others... not so much. The faires magic lies in the body. The physicality of everything. The soil under their feet... The light on their skin... The fairy treasure holds magic that can alter and manipulate the world around them. The elements... It can even change its shape. The wielder could, in theory, be able to shift as well but only the heir could shift entirely. It also explains his reliance on the sun for energy. He can't create is own so he depends on the earth, or in this case the sun, for it." Did he just say Deceit can shapeshift? HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THAT? I shook myself from my thoughts and frowned.

"And the elves?" Their eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Please? I have to know. This is Virgil, we're talking about." The sprites expression seemed to soften as they thought it over. They just rolled his eyes as he sighed.

"Considering he is planning a transference it might do you good to know all you can." They sighed again and I froze. That's right. He's planning to become a treasure too. He doesn't even know repercussions. He just... He wants to save everyone the only way he knows how. "Elven magic lays in the heart." I narrowed my eyes in confusion as they smiled sadly. "The emotions... needs... Their desires... It's all tied into the magic they have. The heir tends to have stronger emotional responses to events as a response. They feel anger, sadness, fear... love... a lot stronger than anyone else and as a result, their magic is also stronger. The treasure... Ok, how do I say this? The treasure has to combine 3 different types of magic. Energy, Light, and eath... Someone skilled and knowledgeable of the treasure would have no problem separating and using each kind but... If in the hands of someone who isn't..."

"You get that crystal curse." They nodded softly as my heart dropped. This was a lot to take in. I could tell they didn't want to overload me either but... I didn't care. If it meant being able to help Virgil... I would do anything. "You said Virgil never really had control over his powers... but, he looked in control before."

"You really only care about him don't you?" I smiled not even bothering to anwser because I knew they already knew the answer. "Virgil has plenty of control over the light and darkness... outside of himself." I narrowed my eyes in confusion and he sighed. "We all have light and darkness in us, Roman. We are all capable of great acts of kindness, an just as equally, acts of violence. Being Drow means he can draw that out and give it actual form. However, Virgil has never been able to balance it. He can't equalize... not even in himself. If he were to draw in to much darkness... He would lose control. As a very emotional man that is not good." Their eyes darkened as they hugged themselves a little bit. "Hence the title, Demon Prince. He relied on his sister to keep him balanced. She equalized him as he latched onto the light she had. And... She had a lot of it. Without that light, he could too easily lose it."

"Is that why he tries so hard to hold his magic back?" The sprite just shrugged as they ran a hand through their hair.

"You'd have to ask him. I only know facts not what they're thinking." I groaned in frustration as I fell on my ass totally exhausted. 

"I don't get it." I sighed slightly flailing about only to throw my arms out and freeze. "If his magic is light... why is it that the night makes him stronger?"

"Does it make him stronger... or does he simply lack control?" My eyes went wide as I looked over to see the sprite sitting down beside me. "Think about it, Roman. If the sun goes down then there's less light for him to hold onto. He can't equalize himself alone. So it stands to reason the dark it is the less control he has. God forbid its an eclipse." That caught my attention. I jumped up to a sitting possition scaring the crap out of them.

"What why?" They frowned and I could sense the worry in them. It nearly matched my own. "What's wrong with eclipses?"

"A giant shadow blocks out the sun and moon? It's literally darkness overpowering the light." My heart dropped as their eyes darkened. "Roman... during an eclipse having light wouldn't matter. Virgil would be overcome by the dark. Darkness is strongest them. There would be no balance just... Just dark."

"A-And would uh... would a transference change that or..." The look on their face could have stopped my heart. Fear ripped through me causing my body to shake. Fear... Fear for the man I love. Because I knew that look was not about him losing control. It was about something worse. "What don't I know?"

"You were 1 when you were merged. Your magic was simple... easy to merge with. And being so young, there wasn't a lot to write and alter biologically. All the transference really did was heighten you're magic to immeasurable length, whilst making it so you can't die. The elves are a lot different. As I stated their magic is diverse and volatile when it is not controlled. Then on top of that Virgil is over 100 years old. That's 100 years worth to alter and change. An Elven transference is always risky. Finding a vessel that symbolizes all of the elven race is hard. The last vessel was a crystal crown embellished with conductive golden paint and onyx stone pieces. The King didn't like the fact that it was pure. He wanted it to something that shined throughout completely... the Onyx couldn't obviously. The point is Virgil..." His eyes dropped just like my heart as all the air seemed to leave my lungs. "He might not survive the transference."

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