Roman (Ch.48)

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"Roman?" He just stood there frozen and looking like he was bored with everything. "What are you doing here?" I couldn't speak I was just too horrified and distraught over what I saw. His Father... His mother and baby brother... The only death I didn't see with my own eyes was his sisters. I was a sobbing mess. This man has witnessed so much death and pain. He didn't deserve it. None of them did.

"My... M-My whole life..." His eyes darkened as my voice cracked a bit. "... I had been taught that the dark elves were monsters." He didn't even tense up he just stood there, arms at his side with no effort to push me away or... anything to be honest. "I was taught that Dark Elves where evil at that they attacked us, s-so w-we had to..." I couldn't finish it. Tears fell as I just broke down. "I am so sorry. That wasn't..." I laughed as pulled away utterly heartbroken. "That was so messed up we changed the story. An arrow, Yeah right. That was demented."

"That's life, Princy." His voice was monotone and cold. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted him to cry. To show something... I watched as he examined the black with alertness you would expect from a predator. His cold eyes scoured the space with a numb expression. It hurt to see him like this. This... This was why they called him a demon. Heartless and cold... Callus and calculating... dark... evil.

"Virgil..." His eyes snapped over at me shooting me this glare that sent shivers down my spine. 

"What are you doing here anyway, Roman?" He crossed his arms and I frowned taking a step back. He was suppressing. As if he couldn't let himself feel. Why? Did have to do with why he was so cold? "Don't you have something better to be doing? How are you even here? I don't know what's going on."

"Virgil, you watched your family die." His eyes narrowed as I sighed trying to give him a sad smile. "You have the right to feel angry. You have the right to cry and scream and be upset. You have the right to feel."

"I'm not angry." He held his temple slightly as he grimaced a bit. "To be angry would a assume I feel anything at all. I don't. I'm the Demon prince after all. Surely your grandfather spoke of me."

"Actually no." He laughed as he shook his head. "Grandfather never went into immense detail about anything. He just sat out nonsense about you all being evil." He was staring off at the side with a bored look and I snapped. "Virgil, would you look at me, God damn it? Will you react? I don't care how just... do something?"

"You need emotions to react, Princey." He stated coldly as he smirked sightly. "I'm done pretending."

"Pretending?" His eyes darkened as I just stood there in shock. "Is that what you think you've been doing? Pretending?" He shrugged with that smirk still on his face and I broke. "Virgil talk to me. Tell me what's going on. Don't hide behind a wall!"

"Hide? I'm not hiding! I'm just done. I'm done with all of this shit." He started to turn to storm off to god knows where only to freeze when I grabbed his arm. "Roman, Let Go." His voice was literal growl but I didn't let up one bit. "PRINC..."

"Why are you refusing to feel?" His eyes narrowed as he tried to tear himself out of my grip. I only held tighter.

"I. can't. feel.

"Bullshit." He reeled back slightly shocked at the anger in my voice. A reaction... A slight blip of emotion. Shock and confusion. I can do this. I CAN do this. "You cried when you're father died. You were enraged at the horror that happened to your mother and brother. You broke when you saw your sisters..."

"You don't understand, Princey. I CANNOT FEEL."

"THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KISS ME?!" He jumped back in fear gripping his shirt tightly as he tried to settle his breathing. I just frowned letting my hand drop from his arm to his hand. "Why would kiss me? Why would you do that to me if you couldn't..."

"R-Roman... You just... Y-You don't..." I watched as he started this counting thing as he slowed his breathing down. When he finally looked back up at me his expression was back to numb. I really hated seeing him like this. "I cannot feel. Do not try to understand. Just... Go away." His voice cracked and I smiled. He was nervous. He couldn't hide that even if he wanted to. I could feel the emotions he was letting off. Sure they were always muted... but I knew he could feel. 

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He groaned in frustration and I laughed. "Virgil I know you feel. I can feel your frustration. I feel your anger... your annoyance."

"That's impossible, Princey." I just smiled rubbing circles onto his thumb.

"Not anymore. Virgil, why aren't you letting yourself feel? You aren't letting yourself mourn..."

"I can't."

"But why..."

"BECAUSE THE MOMENT I DO I HURT PEOPLE!" This blast of intense chill burst through the place and he stumbled back in fear of himself. "I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have..." I reached out again and he stepped back giving me this desperate look. Fear and guilt tore through the black with such intensity it sent my head spinning. "I can't control it." I watched as tears started to build in his eyes and I just smiled sadly. The sprite told me that already. They told me about his lack of control. They told me about the elven base of magic. I guess I should have realized they coincide. If the magic is bound to his emotions, and his emotions are stronger then normal, AND he has no control of his magic, then clearly, his emotions would cause some issues. "I worked so hard to get to the point I was at. It took a century just to be able to feel what I was able to without my magic going crazy. B-But..." He pointed over at me as he shook and I frowned. "All that progress vanished the moment they took you."

"I'm sorry." His eyes narrowed as the tears started to spill and I reached out again only for him to flinch away. "Virgil, please..."

"Don't touch me. I'll only hurt you." I didn't listen. I just got closer ignore those pleading eyes as he tried to back away. "Roman, please. I don't want to..."

"You can't hurt me, Virgil." I pulled him in despite the sound of his skin sizzling against mine. It didn't matter. I really couldn't feel it. I wouldn't let myself. He tried to push me away but I held on tight till he finally broke down and cried into my shoulder. "You can't hurt me. Not in here, and not out there. "

"Y-You're s-skin..." I frowned as he buried his head further into me. "D-Don't lie."

"I don't feel it, Virgil." I could feel him shaking as I just held him tightly. "You need to let yourself feel. And I don't mean that muted emotion you can't suppress, I mean honest emotion. Your the heir to the throne, Vae." He tensed up and I frowned. "You feel stronger than any other elf out there. Bottling it all up isn't safe."

"I-I c-can't..." I ran my hand through his hair as he just cried. It hurt so much seeing him so broken.  "It hurts too much."

"Let me help, My love." His eyes shot up in shock as I smiled brightly at him. "I'll stay with you through it all. You just have to let me help."

"O-Ok, Princy." He buried himself into me again as took a deep breath. "I trust you."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now