Roman (Ch.45)

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Opening the door was the best and the WORST thing I could have done. It was the best because I was then in the room and can help the man I love. It was the worst... Because the moment the door clicked I was pressed again the wall with his arm across my throat and a knife in my side. I didn't feel it. The physical pain I may have gotten from that would have been nothing in comparison to his. 

His grip never faltered, not once. His eyes were clouded over. The red didn't even shine like it usually did. It was dull and empty. His disquise was down, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the pain Virgil was in. 

"Virgil?" He shuddered up a bit as his eyes searched me as if trying to find something his mind could latch onto. Deceit was right. He didn't recognize me. He pulled away pulling the knife out and dropping it as he reached for his hair with this unending stream of tears falling from his horror-filled eyes. He just paced around the room muttering to himself until the pain got too much and he screamed out holding himself tightly as if he was breaking apart. "Virgil..."

"Why? Why her? Why them? Why?" He fell to his knees screaming out again as the air around him literally rippled. "It hurts. It hurts, Kay. I... Where's mom? Where's Ren?" I narrowed my eyes as I slowly made my over to him. I could see him twitching as he struggled just to breathe. "I'm sorry. I... I'm s-sorry." His breath hitched as he fell over practically spasming and I was ripped to shreds by my own intense worry.  As soon as his spasms quieted down I knelt down beside him.

"Virgil." He just stared up at the ceiling unaware of anything that was happening around him. He was lost to his own mind. Not a single glimmer recognition... I pushed past the fear of holding him and reached out. The moment my fingers grazed his cheek my skin burned. I reeled back seeing the blackened frostbitten tips of my fingers and frowned. He sucked all heat right out of my touch instantly. Plus he's letting off this massive amount of chill the ground itself was frosting up. I took a deep breath and pulled him in so fast I didn't give myself time to react to the cold. It didn't matter anyway. I can heal and I can't die. "V-Virg-gil?" I couldn't hide the stutter though. My teeth were chattering as all heat left my body. "Love, Can you hear me?" Nothing. Not even a twitch. I narrowed my eyes and held him close to my chest. It's ok. It's going to be ok. I can... I can help. I just... I just have to reach him. I just have to reach him. I looked him deep in the eyes as I smiled softly. "You just got to let me in, Love." I pressed my head forehead against his and sighed softly. "Let me in."

The world melted away plunging me into the icy black. I looked around desperate to find him only to find myself in these woods as the black cleared away.

"It hurts." My breath hitched as I spotted this small boy sitting on a rock. I knew right away it was Virgil. His sister was tending to a scrape on his knee as he cried softly. "It hurts, Kay."

"Well if you were being careful, you wouldn't have." The little Virgil just sniffled as he rubbed his eyes. Calen smiled sadly as she held her hand out for her brother. I could see the black gloves he was wearing. Even though it was summer and really hot. He was still in a jacket and long pants. As if he was trying to cover up as much skin as possible.

"Where's mom? Where's Ren?" His voice was shaky as he took her hand letting himself be helped up. "D-Did w-we get l-lost?"

"It's ok, brother. We're not lost." For such a small child Calen was very mature. Whereas Virgil, or Vaeril, was...

"IT HURTS!" ... Emotional. He stopped short crying out like you would imagine a 2-year-old to do. He just stood there rubbing his eyes crying out as Calen watched sadly. "It hurts, Kay. Make it go away."

"I wish I could, Vae." 

"I want mommy." I smiled a bit seeing Virgil throwing a tantrum. It was kind of adorable. "She'll make it better."

"Vaeril, breathe." The little boy just sniffled as he slowly calmed down looking up at his sister with puffy eyes. "You're going to ok. I know it hurts, but you're strong. Right?" Virgil nodded as he let his hands drop. "Do you think you can make it home?" 

"I'm the Prince!" He whined a bit as he started to smile. "I can do anything. Daddy said so!" Calen just laughed as she started to lead him off again. I followed closely behind. I followed all the way until we pushed through some hedges to reveal a dark stone castle lined with bright flowers and lilac trees and cherry blossoms. There was a small waterfall that fed into a stream that carried through the yard. Everything looked so... beautiful. "DADDY!" I jumped slightly as little Virgil ran off slamming into a man just he stood up. 

"Vae!" Little Calen ran after as the King just started laughing falling back into the bright and lush grass beneath him. Virgil pushed himself up so he was sitting on top of his father just as Calen reached them with a pout. "You have to be careful."

"Oh be easy on your brother there, Calen." The King beamed as he slowly got up carefully holding Virgil tightly in his arms.

"Ok, Father." Calen face was serious, way to serious for such a child and the king laughed again, ruffling up his daughter's hair. 

"Such a good sister. Such a big girl." Calen smiled a bit as her father took her hand. "But don't forget you're a child too, Princess. It's ok to be young and have fun.

"Dad?" I jumped hearing someone beside me and I looked over to see an older Virgil. His face was filled with horror and I frowned reaching out only for him to run forward. That's when I noticed the scene change. "FATHER?!"

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now