Roman (Ch.13)

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By the time the camp was set Deceit had curled up and passed out. The sun wasn't even fully down yet. Virgil was scavenging through the bags obviously annoyed he couldn't find his phone and I sighed. I had to know more. I had to see. He wouldn't let me so... I knew I had to be sneaky. I feel horrible but I just put my hand in my pocket and gripped the phone tightly as he searched fruitlessly. Suddenly he was on his knees breathing heavily as I looked up to see the sun nearly gone.

"Virgil." He looked back at me and I frowned. His eyes were red. I smiled pretending that nothing was different and he pulled himself back up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Roman." No your not. Your skins beginning to darken. He pulled his hood up and avoided eye contact as he walked past me into the woods. "I'm gonna go for a walk. Don't wait up for me k? You should get some sleep too. You haven't been well."

"You gonna be ok out there by yourself?" He hesitated slightly before nodding and continuing on. I looked over at Deceit and frowned. "You have it easy huh?" I groaned and got up grabbing the cloak he had in his bag and sighed. "It's ok if I borrow this right, Deceit?" I smiled and turned towards the woods where Virgil walk off. "What? no answer? I guess I'll just take that as a yes then. K thanks!" 

I ran off wrapping the cloak around me and went after Virgil. I had to be careful. He didn't know that I knew, and he obviously didn't want me too. Then again, he is a dark elf. Who even came up with that name anyway? Dark elves... It's clearly demeaning and claiming they're inherently evil. It's just like calling yourself a High Elf. You saying your better then the rest but in all actuallity the Drow are the strongest. The Drow are the ones with the royal family. The Altmer... High elves. The Bosmer... The wood or Forest Elves. The Drow... The dark elves. We humans really didn't like them did we?

"I just had to lose my damn... phone." I sighed and hid behind a tree as Virgil walked out into the clearing. He looked around but I didn't move. If I did he would most likely hear it. I heard as he sat down on the other side and I frowned. He was already crying. I carefully sat down and just waited. "This is so stuid, Virgil!" I narrowed my eyes and glanced over to the side even though I know I couldn't see him. "

You should have stayed home. If you stayed home then... then... Then everything that happened whould still have happened and there would be no way to fix it. Dad he... Damn. Here I am being selfish when Thomas and Dad are suffering more than me. If we had just distroyed that fucking thing like we wanted!" He hit the tree and the whole thing shook. It took everything I had not to yell in shock. "OW!"

 I jumped up and frowned as I risked a look. He was rubbing his head as he just stared at an apple that had fallen onto him. I choked back a laugh and quickly jumped up into the tree as he spun around looking for what had made the noise. He circled the tree and I watched as he shoved his hands into his pockets. He seems to be doing a lot better tonight then he did yesterday.

I watched as he pullede out this rock from around his neck and my eyes went wide. It was that peice of the crystal he had taken before the rest of it had melted. He held it up and I frowned. He turned it into a necklace. I know there had to be a reason but... right now I am just trying to find a reason to trust him. 

This isn't helping the cause. His eyes went wide and he gripped his arm as he fell back into the tree. His breathing was beginning to be erratic again and I started to get worried. What just happened? I thought he was ok. He was clearly doing better than...

"Damn... it... I hate the night so... much!" His face scrunched up as he slid down holding his stumach as he tried so hard not to cry out in pain. Why is he holding it in? That's what's causing his pain. He's trying to supress his magic. That's not healthy at all! I watched as he covered his ears with his hands and I used that moment to jump down. He looked up but then his breathing hitched and was back to focusing on the pain.

I waited. It felt like forever if I'm being honest. He refused to scream or cry out, obviously so that 'I' didn't hear him. I watched as he struggled. His eyes were practicly glossy as he suffered through the pain. I gripped the phone in my hand till it hurt and I just waited. His eyes suddenly got wide as he fell over to the side, as his eyes slowly closed. His body finally had given out. He was exausted and in pain. I'm surprised it lasted this long. I pulled out the phone and a pair of earbuds and gave him some music. His eyes narrowed in his sleep but he couldn't open them. I picked him up and felt him tense up a bit.

Once again I cover him up with his hood and made our way back to camp only to freaze at the sight. I was wrong. We weren't safe at all!

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