Roman (Ch.30)

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"I need you... to help... the birdy." I swallowed back the tears as I held on for dear life. I was afraid. I was afraid because I knew if I let go Deceit would fall asleep.

"Bird?" He slowly stood up carrying me over to see a small birdy frozen in fear. His eyes went wide as the little bird tried to scramble away. "It's scared."

"You're a snake." He laughed a bit as I moved a bit so he could have a free arm.

"Well, there is that." He held his finger out towards the bird. Not to close just to the furthest outer rim of the box but still close enough that the bird could reach it if it wanted. "It's ok, little bird. You are safe. I mean you no harm." The little bird started to tweet and Deceit just laughed as he pushed me up a bit. "Neither does the child. He brought you to me to help." I could feel the birds confusion and I frowned. How did he understand Deceit? Could Deceit understand it? Was it because he's a fairy? The birdy tweeted some more and I started to smile. It was telling Deceit that its wing was hurt. I couldn't understand it but I just knew that was what was happening. It was asking the fae prince for some help. 

"Well, I could wrap it but I'm afraid my fathers more adept at healing magic than I am. I promise to do my best though." A few minutes later the bird as sitting on top of this makeshift bed as Deceit tried to make a small splint it was hard though. It was hard because I was in the way. "Roman, I can't do this right with you hanging off of me like a monkey." He tried to pull me off of him but I shook my head and held on tighter.

"I'm not a monkey. I'm a sun." His eyes narrowed as I pushed my head into his shoulder.

"A sun?" He pushed me up a bit further as I just nodded.

"I'll keep you up so you can help the birdy." He narrowed his eyes a bit as he glanced over at me. I don't think he even knows how late it is. He's used to just falling asleep. He's never been able to stay up past sundown. I don't think he thinks it's possible. But... it is... and he was... because of me. He just sighed as he slowly pulled his arm out of my grasp. I tensed up seeing him yawn. I tried to latch onto him again but he just shook his head and smiled. 

"I can't help the birdy if I can't use both hands Ro." I frowned as he yawned again. I see his absentmindedly started to lean back like he was going to nap so I did the only thing I could think of. I jumped up and wrapped myself around him like the very monkey he called me earlier. Monkies can be suns too if they wanted. I'll be the elusive spider monkey sun. he jumped slightly startled by how I wrapped my arms around his neck and he frowned slightly confused. He didn't remember me moving. He didn't remember getting tired again either but that didn't really matter right now. "Roman, come on..."

"No. You can use both hands now. Help the birdy, then you can go to sleep." I buried my head into his back hearing how he laughed.

"You know for a 4-year-old you're quite the slave driver." The what? I frowned as he started back to work on the birdies wing. When he was finally done I looked over his shoulder to see the little birdy sound asleep on the little pillow happily snoring away. Deceit smiled as he pulled me over his shoulder so that he could hold me in his arms as he got up. "The little bird is going to be just fine Roman. I think it's time you went off to bed huh?" I glance over at the clock to see it was nearly ten and I frowned. I had kept Deceit up way too long. He looked about ready to drop even if he was fully aware he was that tired. I shook my head and he just frowned. "Seriously? What is it..."

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" His eyes went wide as he sat down on the bed giving me this cautious look.

"Are you sure? You've never asked for a sleepover before." I nodded as I practically pushed him back against his pillow and snuggled up into his arms. He just chuckled as I frowned moving away only to push his arms away as I curled up again to try and get comfy. "You... You ok..." He yawned again and I smiled seeing his start to drift off pretty fast. "...there... bu...d?" The moment that that last word left his lips he was out cold. The birdy was sleeping peacefully and now Deceit was too. All in all, I think I did a good job. I felt myself yawn and I smiled as I curled up under the covers.  I frowned a bit before jumping up to place a small little kiss on Deceits cheek. I saw the snake smile as I laid back down again. 

"Nite nite Dee... love ya." I whispered out as I started to nod off myself. I must have been because just before I was pulled into the world of dreams I thought I heard Deceit whisper out in his sleep.

"Love you too, bud."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now