Roman (Ch. 22)

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"So..." I could tell Logan was a bit uncomfortable. I couldn't tell why but even still, I could see how shot his nerves were. He looked up at me and his eyes narrowed. "You're wearing Jeremy's glasses?" 

"Who's?" I reached up gingerly taking them off as I examined them. Logan just stood there with a neutral expression even though I clearly already forgot about my golden eyes. I looked up at him with this confused smile and he just frowned pushing his glasses up a bit. 

"I see. Deceit must have let you wear them to hide the..." He pointed up at his eyes and I frowned suddenly remembering. I quickly put them back on and Logan sighed. "Please do be cautious with them though. They mean a lot to my son. They belonged to an old boyfriend." I froze up as Logan walked on ahead. I just stood there once again reaching up towards the sunglasses with this sad look in my eyes. Logan frowned as he turned back to see me just standing in shock. "What's wrong?" Nothing... Nothing really... I... I don't know. I mean besides the fact that Deceit just let me take his boyfriends glasses like it was nothing. I... I had this sick feeling. It was like there was this subtle buzz around them that made my heart hurt. I didn't... I could tell you why but I felt sick. I felt sick like... Like I was...

"What happened to him?" Logan's eyes darkened and I frowned noticing instantly how I could tell he did not want to say anything. "Lo... What?"

"He died." I tensed up understanding almost immediately what that sick feeling was telling me. "The young man died many decades ago. He just... He was a human, Roman. A very sick human." My head was spinning as I let my hand drop. I... I somehow knew that. I somehow knew just what he meant by sick. I knew how the man laid there in bed losing his breath as Deceit held his hands tightly trying hard not to cry. It was like I could see it. I could see how Jeremy... Remi slowly took his glasses off revealing his sickeningly white eyes as he shakily handed the glasses over to the man he loved. I could see the pain in the both of them. I could feel how much they loved each other. How... HOW DO I KNOW THAT?! "Let us not drudge up pain pasts. I actually needed to discuss something with you."

"One more thing..." He raised an eyebrow at me as I tried to push past the painful memory that I was experiencing. The memory that was clearly not mine to know. I could see Deceit crying softly in his hands as Remi eyes slowly closed showing that his time was over. I watched as a hand carefully grabbed Deceits shoulder as the snake spun around to latch onto the man behind him. Logan stood there holding his son in close through unshed tears of his own. I just couldn't understand one thing. "... You're human too." Logan narrowed his eyes as I blinked and pulled myself out of the memory that plagued me. "You're an Arcane. Human's devoted to the magical and possess ties to the fantastic. Arcanes are so closely bound to magic that most can even do some mystical things but you're all still human." He was honestly confused as I tried to work through my thoughts. I'd like to say I was genuinely confused myself but part of me knew the answer before I had even asked the question. "How were you alive back then... and still alive now?"

"I could hardly be called human anymore. Roman. Yes. I was at one point in my life an Arcane, but... I fell in love with a fairy." His eyes seemed to light up as if just thinking about Patton was enough to make him so happy. "I spent decades in the faerie realm. Time just didn't seem to matter. Eventually, I came to find that... it wasn't that it didn't matter, it didn't affect me anymore. No one could ever tell me why."

"You married the king of the fairy realm. You held his heart. Your combined desire to stay at each other side meant everything." Logan narrowed his eyes as I just spoke out my thoughts. To be clear, I was not aware I was talking at all. "Being an arcane already made you bonded to the magical but being bound to Patton the way you are strengthened it. In a way, the realm took you in. Kind of like... Stardust. When you hold the heart of a star you get eternal life. A star fell in love with the male lead and he lived forever with her by his side. Quite a love story if you ask me." I frowned as my thoughts caught up to me and I narrowed my eyes. "Wait, what was I talking about?" My head was spinning and I honestly felt like I was going to pass out. Logan frowned as he led me over to this bench. He looked concerned but never voiced it. I more than a little confused. I understood... fundamentally what was happening. I was a royal treasure. As that annoying little sprite said I'm now essentially magic. Knowledge like this... it only makes sense that I would be able to access it but it's still hard to wrap my head around. Why now? How come I wasn't able to access this all before? I mean I know at one point I must have been able to if that dream was any indication but... what happened?

"Roman, I needed to talk to you about Virgil."

*Discontinued* CursedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum