Virgil (Ch. 46)

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"FATHER?!" I screamed out as I forced my way through the crowds of people. I didn't even care about hiding anymore all I cared about was the knight escorting my father onto a pyre like he's some witch from Salem. "Fath..." I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to freeze and look back to see my guard giving me this solemn look. I pulled myself from his grasp but stayed there. He was right. If I was discovered I would jeopardize the entire elven realm. I couldn't risk that. Not even for him. I'm sorry. I pulled the hood down more, carefully making sure it was hiding as It could and just... watched.

"Men, Women, and all the Elves I know are out there..." I tensed as this man walked out in front of the pyre like this was some kind of circus and he was the ringleader. I just stood there with this neutral expression trying to keep my breathing calm. If I stayed calm and relaxed... my magic would flare out. Basically suppression... FUN! Not... "As you may already know... We are at war." The man looked back gesturing towards father with this shit eating grin and I... I started my counting all over again. In for 4. Hold for 8. Out for 7 and all the shit. Father stood on the pyre tied to the stake looking regal as ever. He did not have his crown. He did not have his royal outfit either. They stripped him down to rags but you couldn't deny he was a king. He never lost his composure. "This is the enemy. The Devil King himself...."

"I may be the enemy but do not belittle my title by refusing my name. Let me die with honor." It was all he said as he just stared off into the crowd. I was amazed. He was stoic and proud. The only time any emotion past his features was when his eyes met mine. Nobody seemed to notice. Nobody seemed to care. Even when his eyes locked onto mine as the man set his torch into the wood pill. My heart lurched. I couldn't help it. I... He smiled as the fire slowly began to lick at his feet. He never screamed. He never cried. He never took his eyes off of mine. 

"Ex cinere renasci." Despite all attempts to prevent it, tears still fell from my eyes. And with them, so did the rain.  The fire burned bright consuming him in entirety as the storm began to build. I just turned and walked away. "A parte beatus donec iterum conveniant." I pushed through the crowd as the rain fell harder. The storm nearly drowned the crowds' cheer as past. Don't feel... Don't feel... Don't... D-Don't fe... "Shit." The moment I got back to the camp I crumbled. I could hear my name being called but I couldn't really respond. My body was shaking as the tears just kept falling. I couldn't move. 

"Vae. Vae, talk to me." I was in shock. I felt someone push me up to my knees but to be honest all I really saw was my fathers smile as the flames devoured him. "Vaeril, breathe."

"He's gone." My voice cracked like the frosted ground beneath me. "Dad..."

"Vae, what happened?" I looked up to see Calen overcome with worry and I broke down even more. 

"Kay, He's gone. Dad, he's... He's dead." Her eyes darkened as I pulled my knees into my chest. "The humans... They killed him. They burned him."

"Ex cinere renasci." Her voice cracked and I gave a broken laugh. 

"The burned him alive, Kay. No one deserves that. No one." I was breaking. I could tell. My walls were crumbling fast. I was distraught. I couldn't see anything but that pyre. The smell of smoke clung to my clothes. The rain did nothing to erase it. "They just... It was like they..."

"Vaeril, listen to me." I looked up again to see this determined look in her eyes and I frowned. "You are the crowned prince. I need you to be strong. Can you do that for me? For Ren? We need you Vae."

"B-But Dad..." Her eyes darkened as I just sighed and nodded. "You're right. I need to be strong." She smiled at me as she waited for me to collect myself and calm down before reaching out to help me up. I took a deep breath and smiled softly if at all. "I need to be strong. For you... and Ren... and Mother."

Mother... and Ren? Wait... What?

 Lightning crashed causing me to spin around to find myself back at the castle. Fire raged around me like a raging inferno despite the unrelenting hurricane around it. I stood there in the storm's eye as Calen tugged at my coat.

"VAE, WE HAVE TO GO!" I wouldn't budge. I was watching as these knights carried my baby brother up in the tower as he struggled. "VAE!"

"NO!" I screamed out causing my magic to flare out even worse as the storm blasted through everything. They were tying Ren up... Tying him... He had ropes around his wrists and ankles. Mother stood beside him tied up as well. I had to... I had to do something. I can't let them die. I...

"Vae, please? We have to..." I literally glared at her as she was this evil thing and I watched as she reeled back. I was pissed. I was ROYALLY PISSED! I am losing EVERYONE I LOVE to this godforsaken war. I WON'T LOSE THEM TOO! I CAN'T!

"Go." I growled out so deep it shook the earth beneath me. She started shaking her head desperate for me to listen but I just stepped further away. I looked up the guard that's been accompanying us and narrowed my eyes as he nodded. "Take the princess and get as far away as you can."

"VAE!" I just smiled sadly at the tears my sister spilled. She rarely showed emotions. I knew it was because she had to be strong. She had to grow up faster and be the 'BIG' sister for me. But looking at her now I wish she never had to take that role. "Please, don't do this. I can't lose you. I can't... They're already gone. There's no saving them."

"Even so... I have to try."

*Discontinued* CursedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin