Remy (Ch. 57)

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Walking into the somewhat fixed up remains were... something else. I couldn't really stop looking at Deceit, however. He looked just like how I remembered him but... Also so different. He was very... stuck up and tightly wound before. Even when we spoke, which was a miracle in itself, he was very proper... very 'I'm a prince and you're not'. It never really went away but I guess he just stopped seeing me as a present human. 

I remember he and I were walking down the capital square. the roads were bustling with people and fairies. It was so beautiful. He just watched everything with narrowed eyes as if he couldn't understand how I found beauty in it. Not until I showed him that is. He walked the same path with me every day until I couldn't anymore. It was the best time of my life. BOTH my lives. Even at the end when I could feel the pull, he sat there with tears in his eyes refusing to leave me. Refusing to be anywhere by my side. 

I caught him praying. 

Deceit was never religious. He was never religious and he didn't believe in the power of the realms. He believed anything possible was possible by action. So when I woke up one morning to find him praying... begging the realm to help me it... it was the best and worst feeling. He didn't want to lose me. He didn't want to watch me die, but the thought of me passing without him there for me hurt him so much more. 

So he sat there beside the bed with tears in his eyes as the black pulled me under. I thought that was it. After all, I didn't believe in reincarnation. I didn't believe in the afterlife. I didn't believe in anything. I was dead, that was all there was to it.

So a small child growing up with 25 years worth of memories pertaining to a past life was a bit odd. I never spoke about it to my parents. I never spoke about any of it until I met Remus. I turned my memories into stories and tales they could laugh and smile at. The snake prince and the sick human man... My snake prince...


"Deceit?" The prince in question tensed up as he slowly looked back at me with a frown. This was all a bit odd. The only things I knew about the fairies and all that were what I remembered from my past life. This life I was born and raised with the elves. It's all I've known. "Is everything alright?"

"No..." He grumbled as he slowly sat down at the table. He kept glancing over at this one door and I frowned. "Answer me straight." His voice went dark and Kiara gasped seeing Deceits scales start to show up. He's very inconsistent with them. Sometimes he has them in full view. Other time not at all. I frowned as she looked over at me with shock and I carefully sat down at the table across from him. She figured it out. He's the snake prince from the stories. "Why aren't you trying to kill me right now?"

"Wait, what?" My heart dropped as his he raised an eyebrow at me with curiosity. "Why would we be trying to attack you? If this is about..."

"Because the majority of your group are elves." He spoke so stately and cold it honestly shook me. "Do not pretend to know nothing about the state of thin..."

"Dee, what is going on?" His eyes darkened as my accent started to push a bit. It usually does when things start getting to me. Usually, people laugh but Remus and Kay just frowned. "Why would elves be attacking you?"

"Because I'm Prince Roman's guardian. Have been for 20 years now." He was tapping the table absentmindedly as he stared off. I was stunned. Deceit was an anothers guardian? I couldn't wrap my head around it. There was this ear piercing scream and Deceit tensed up.

"What the..."

"Roman, you better know what you're doing!" Deceit yelled at the door and I froze under the immense fear I saw in him. It actually made me a bit... jealous. God, I wish I had some coffee. My head is spinning. I might be going through some caffeine withdrawals. I groaned as I held my head earning a concerned glance from everyone in the room.

"So what..."

"My apologies." Deceit whispered as he made his way over to the door anxiously holding the knob. He sighed and turned away leaning against it for support. "One of my colleagues is... not well right now. Being back here brought to much pain for him. You'll have to excuse the..." Another cry and this blast of energy tore through the place. It was so cold it made me shiver. As if it was talking all the heat out of the area. "...outbursts."

 I frowned looking around only to spot a mouse sitting there on the table. Remus... He must have transformed out of fear. The sound of his terrified squeaking caught Dee's attention and I tensed up as he glanced over. He had this look in his eyes. I gripped the hilt of my sword cautiously as he made his way closer to the table. He bent over sticking his hand out carefully only for the mouse to anxiously jump onto it. Dee just laughed. 

"I knew there was something I liked about you." The mouse jumped off only to turn back into Remus with an awkward look on his face. "You're a brownie... half brownie." Deceit seemed to be eyeing him up and down making the young lord a bit nervous. "I am impressed at your level of magic considering your dual race. I commend you, however..."

"You never did anwser me." I choked out feeling everything start to get to me. The man I love was standing in front of me after so many years and I... I... I'm scared. Ha. Imagine that. Jeremy Sutton the reincarnated Pixie Death Knight... The elven Sandman... scared. "What's going on?"

"I thought it was common knowledge by now." I narrowed my eyes in confused concern and the snake prince sighed. "My Father, King Patton and... King Thomas of the human realm has been attacked." My heart dropped. Dad was... attacked. that made no sense. Dad was the lighted man alive. No one would... "It seems as though there are elves out there who seek revenge on the humans... The kings have fallen under the crystal curse."

"WHAT?!" I was frozen under the weight of what he just said. Although it wasn't me that yelled... It was Kay. "Someone went and stole the treasure to..." Her face paled and I could see the tears in her eyes. The very thought of someone disrespecting her King was enough to break her heart... and with the stories I told them of the fairy king, I wouldn't be surprised if her heart broke for him too. Deceit just sat there broken.

"How do we fix this?" His eyes narrowed as he looked up at me and I frowned. 

"We?" I groaned as the realization hit me, but I didn't care. Dad was... Dad he... God damn it. Logan must be beside himself. 

"Dad's been turned into a crystal Dee, now is not the time to be closed off!" His eyes went wide as I sat there trying to calm my breathing. I turned to Kiara ignoring the shock rolling off the snake and frowned getting very serious. "You know more about the royal family and all that, than anyone I've ever met. Do you know anything about the treasure?"

"Plenty, I did my research, but Jer..." I groaned and she frowned looking down. "The only way to reverse the curse is with treasure." Her eyes darkened and she sighed. "And a royal... They know the power within it better than anyone plus only a drow can call the energy in, but..." They're dead. Shit. 

"What's going on?" I tensed up hearing a raspy voice behind me and I noticed Deceit eyes wide in horror. I slowly spun around to see a man with bright golden eyes that even outshined mine all covered in frostbite. His eyes were filled it cautious alertness as his body began to heal itself. I noticed Kia tense up and reach for a blade, but before I could stop her she had a knife to the man throat with this look of rage. That when I actually noticed it. The golden glowing eyes and healing aside, this man was human. The man didn't even flinch, he just glanced back at the snake who looked about ready to kill Kiara. "Dee..."

"PUT THE KNIFE DOWN, KIARA!" I yelled out causing her to flinch slightly. She just shook her head. 

"He's human... Here. A human here... I won't allow it." The man just narrowed his eyes as he looked her up and down with a frown. 

"There's something about you..." Her hands started to shake as he carefully pushed the knife down, a soft smile forming on his lips. "Relax Dee, she won't hurt me."

"I seriously..." He just shook his head, cutting kay off, as he laughed glancing back towards the door. 

"We're on the same side after all." He slowly moved away from her stretching himself out now that all the burns were completely healed. "I can see the type of person you are."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now