Chapter 1

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Zain's POV

"If I go to class tomorrow- I am probably still going to fail. So if I don't go I will most likely have the same result." I say as I lay on my bed hitting the baseball against the wall and catching it as it bounces back.

"You're doing that thing again where you are talking to me but you're actually just talking to yourself and trying to convince yourself." Kai says walking out of the bathroom. I throw the baseball at him and he catches it.

"So anyway- I'm fucked." I shrug

"Mom and dad are going to be soooo happy."

"Well mom and dad are not really the picture perfect role models? They really expected me to go to college?" I mumble and Kai laughs at me throwing the baseball back.

"Well they are good role models. They take good care of us- like this fucking 1 million dollar apartment we live in."

"You're supposed to make me feel better not worse." I say rolling my eyes.

"My bad." He laughs. "Well atleast theyre not bailing you out again?"

"Look- get out." I say and he just continues laughing at me. "Yo." I say answering my phone putting it on speaker.

"Adams. You guys down?" Caleb says and I look at Kai who shrugs.

"Duh." I say and Caleb laughs. "Meet you at Mia's place for pre-drinks."

"You guys be partying like you have something to celebrate." Kai says and I laugh. "So you coming or not?"

"Yeah but I am actually going to class tomorrow?"  He says and I roll my eyes. Kai was my younger brother. He was exacly 9 months younger than me and we ended up in the same class since kids. People thought we were twins and explaining it was even more annoying so we usually went along with it. It did not help that we looked exactly alike. People found it extremely difficult to differentiate us. We looked like a spitting image of our dads. We had bright blue eyes and jet black hair.

"So whose coming?"

"A certain blonde girl you like?" I say as I knew he was asking for a reason. Kai only occasionally hung out with us. He was more sporty and had sporty friends. He was the good kid and I was not the OK kid?

"Allisa?" He asks and I laugh

"Lets go dweeb."

The pre-drinks at Mia's house was probably the best part of our usual nights. We usually stayed here and hung out because my parents banned my friends from my apartment after we nearly set it out fire and the police kept coming because of noise complaints.

"Mia." I say as I walk in with Kai. Mia was a family friend and my best friend from childhood. She was the daughter of my father's best friend uncle Liam. We grew up together and did everything together.

"Yooo- lets the drinks start." Caleb says as he puts his arm around Kai and I. Caleb was my actual cousin, my father's sisters' son, aunt Cleo and uncle CJ were his parents.

"You already drank didn't you?" Kai says picking up a shot. Knew he was going to drink.

"I can't smoke tonight." Ayla says. "I have a drug test for my fucking job." She sighs sitting back down. "Youre the biggest pothead I know." I say and she rolled her eyes. Ayla. Also my cousin. My dads other sister, aunt Sophia.

Most of my circle were friends my parents forced me to make and now we kinda were stuck with each other because we understood each other best as our parents were all in the same business .

The two unrelated friends from high school and college were Reign and Yomi. Both were playing beer pong.

"You guys know Zain is going is not going to be in college by next week." Kai says and I roll my eyes taking the shot. God- I came to forget about it.

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