Chapter 39

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Zain's POV

The first of January. I wake up because my phone kept buzzing and buzzing as much as I tried to ignore it. It was now just annoying. I look at my phone but it was not my phone that was buzzing. Mine was dead.

I sit up looking around. I had no idea where I was. Some mansion that we ended up finding as there was a party here.

Yomi was sleeping next to me and I see Kai but no Caleb. Some girl was laying right next to Kai on the floor and she was half naked. Her dress slipped off as she laid on the floor sleeping. I wake up Yomi and then wake up Kai.

"Get up." I tell him. "Lets get out of here."

"My head." He says sitting up. "Where is Caleb?" Yomi asks sitting up.

Thank God we were all fully dressed. We go downstairs after Kai finds his shoes.

"Whose phone keeps ringing?" I say and Kai looks at his.

"Its Jordan. Fuck." He mumbles. "What time is it?"

"Nearly 11am. Lets get out of this weird house." Kai says as we try to find Caleb.

"Here he is." I say seeing him in bed with a girl. "Caleb." I say and he sits up.

"What?"  He mumbles. He then looks around and sees the girl laying next to him naked. He moves his covers.

"Put some clothes on." I tell him dashing his clothes at him as he got out in his boxers and I found his last shoe.

"Uber is here."

"Hey you guys going!" Tay says as he stood downstairs.

"Yes. Plain to catch to New York." I say lying. I just did not wanna hang out with him further.

"Oh man."

"Great party. Honestly." Caleb tells him before we leave.

My head feels like someone punched me a few times.

"Dude..." Kai says as we got in the uber. "I got a million missed calls from Ayla and Mia."

"Thought they were all Jordan." I say

He calls Ayla back who answers.

"Now you guys wanna call us back." She says

"Whats going on?" I ask as he put her on speaker.

"Mia collapsed yesterday and went hospital. But she's fine now."

"What happened to her?" I ask taking the phone from Kai. "Is she ok?"

"Yeah. She was just drinking too much."

"Fuck. Where is she now?"

"Shes home. Call her." She says and I hang up calling Mia from Kai's phone but there was no reason.

"Is Mia ok?" Caleb asks and I shrug calling Liam.

"Hey Kai."

"Its Zain." I say. "My phone died last night, im using Kai's phone."

"Oh hey. You heard huh?" He says.

"Is she okay?" I ask

"Yeah. She's fine. She's sleeping upstairs." He says sighing. "She's good though."

"Why did she go to hospital?"

"She collapsed at this party." He says. I knew it was those perks. She looked fine when I saw her before I left.

"Can you tell her to call me when she wakes up?" I ask

"Will do Zain." He says and I hand the phone back to Kai.

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