Chapter 19

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Kai's POV

1 week later.

"So if I say; he is here... you're just going to jump out and yell surprise." Mia says

"Okay we get it party planner!" I say and Mia looks at me giving me a death glare. "My bad..." We planned this birthday thing for Zain for a few weeks now and it was nice that was finally 21 and no longer sharing an age with me.

I guess nobody knew about Mia and Zain apart from just us. The word spread like fire usually but I think everyone was trying to keep it together just because Mia said she will kill us all- and I strongly believe she would.

"Where is he anyway?" Mariana says as she hands a balloon to Teddy. We threw it my parents home. The whole house decorated in white roses and white balloons. Mia made the place look like a wedding- not sure why. In the back we had a BBQ set up, music blasting and the whole family was here.

"He is with mum somewhere." I say and Mia walks back into the room and sushes our nearly hundreds of guests.

"Theyre here..." She says and I turn the lights off picking up Teddy.

"Yell surprise okay?" I say and he nods yelling out surprise. "Not yet!" I whisper and he giggles. "Okay now?"

Mia turns the lights on and everyone yells out surprise. It wasn't Zain. It was Caleb with a cake.

"What the fuck Caleb?" Mia says and he frowns. "What you told me to get cake. Youre a terrible party planner."

"Yeah 2 hours ago?"

"Well I met this really cute girl. Funny story..." he says but Mia smacks his arm.

"Surprise!" Teddy yells and I look at Zain and my mom coming in to the room. "Surprise!" Everyone yells kind of? I laugh as Mia smacks Caleb again who nearly drops the cake. I take it from him and bring it to the maid and she takes it from me.

"Happy birthday not-so-twin." I say as I return out to the living room seeing Zain sucked into tbe greetings of our millions cousins aunts and uncles

"Ah. 20 is a lonely age." Zain says and I laugh putting my arm around him. "So I was thinking you just change your date of birth?"

"Shut up." He says as he laughed.

"Hey aunt Cleo. Uncle CJ." I say sitting down next to Caleb's parents. "You think I can borrow your 2020 Lambo?"

"Why?" He asks as he laughs. "So I can send your dad the invoice when you crash it."

"Yeah thats fine." I say

"If you give it to him- that aint got nothing to do with me." My dad says hearing us. "Dont do it."

"Why are you a hater!"

"Nice try." Caleb says laughing as he looked at me. "Been trying forever?"

"Okay but the worst driver is one hundred percent you Caleb. You drive like youre in fast and furious. Like you got somewhere to be." I say and they all laugh. "Very true." Uncle CJ says. "He got that from his mom's side. I am a great driver."

"Uh... so am I?" Aunt Cleo says.

"Where is the birthday boy?" Liam says sitting down. "You missed the whole surprise element?" Elsie says who was sitting next to me outside in the back yard.

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