Chapter 20

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Mariana's POV

"Come on stop moping around." Zain says as I sat on his couch.

"I'm not moping around actually." I say looking up from my phone. "I am just waiting for Mia."

"Okay smile? Youre putting the whole apartment in a bad mood." He says handing me a bottle of water.

"Well sorry my break up is upsetting you."

"Shut up Zain." Kai says walking into the living room. "Hey M."

"Hey." I say as Kai sits down next to me. "So how are you?"

"Sad. Im so sad." I tell him and he looks at me. I had a heavy feeling in my heart. I had a heavy feeling in my chest and my stomach. My appetite was gone and I felt like there was a grey cloud on my head.

"Look- Quincy and you been together since Freshman year. Youre moving out of New York. Start fresh M. If its meant to be- it will come back."

"That is true." I say and I hug Kai as he patted my back. "So stop moping around- you got into Harvard!"

"Right?" I say and Zain chuckles. "Thank fuck for Kai. Why could you not be the first born?"

"Well you're technically not even the first born- its Ezra?" I say and he rolled his eyes.

"He is coming to my graduation dinner." I tell my brothers. I was disappointed because Ezra did not really seem to be interested in being part of the family.. I guess my brothers were not so welcoming. I had a lunch with my aunt Mona and Ezra last week to introduce the two. My dad wasnt happy. He hates everyone on Meghan's side of the family.

"Forgot he existed for a sec."

"You guys are not very welcoming." I say

"Says the mean girl who tells people at parties to not sit at the same place as her."

"Not my brother!" I say and Zain rolled his eyes again. Honestly- he was so annoying sometimes.

"You guys should invite him out?"

"Hey guys..." Mia says walking into the apartment. She walks into the room and puts her bags down. "I'm here." She puffs. Boy- was I glad Mia was here to do my make up for dinner. I needed to feel good about myself again.

Mia was probably the best make up artist I knew.

"Mia youre lucky I love you- and that you are moving away because my wirst hurts thats how much I worked today." She says and I chuckle looking at her. She looked professional today. Not like her usual attire. When I say professional- I mean no boobs or thighs or neck or arms or legs showing. She wore high waisted jeans and a white long sleeved top that was tucked in showing her very nice body. Mia was pretty and she knew it- fhats why she was usually always nearly naked.

She had on her make up already. Soft glam with a nice touch of a pink lip gloss.

"You can't say no to me? You're having sex with my brother?" I tease and she actually blushed. I could not believe this was a thing. Mia? The most confident girl I knew blushing over?? Zain??

"Ew." Kai says as Zain kisses her cheek. "Get ready you guys. Were going soon."

I sit in the kitchen with Mia who does my make up as we blast some music.

"Cant believe you're so grown and leaving us." Mia tells me as she does my face.

"Mia youre like 2 years older."

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