Chapter 7

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Zain's POV

"Quickly put my name on the gift. Ill give you 10 bucks." I tell Kairo who shakes his head. "Fine 20."

"Deal." He says before he signs my name on the card. "Thats a good brother." I say messing with his hair.

I picked up Kairo and Mariana from my mom's house to go to the party together with Kai. My mom and dad were already there with Teddy.

It was my Uncle Mason's 42nd birthday which was crazy. My dad was 39 and so was my mom. Uncle Mason was my dad's older brother. It got a bit confusing because my dad had a lot of siblings. There were the Adams' who were his adoptive family who grew up with and was raised by. Then he had Aunt Cleo who ws Caleb's mum and she was his biolgocial half sister. She was also part of Collin's crew.

"Hi everyone. Party is here." Kai says walking into the back garden where the BBQ was happening.

"Hey guys." Uncle Mason says and I take the box from Kairo. "Happy birthday." I say and hand him the box. "I choose and the rest just kind of showed up." I say and he laughs hugging me. "So Kairo got the gift." He says and I roll my eyes. Why was it always Kairo who was organized.

I great his wife, my aunt Chyna and their kids JJ and Yassy. They were our age too but they went to a different school than us and growing up they were just in their own word had their own friends. We barely saw them really.

"Yo Yassy." I say and she hugs me. "You back from Colombia?"

"Yeah just for dads birthday." She says and I go round greeting the rest of my huge family. I start with my grandparents and there was all the Adams who were my dads siblings; uncle Alex, uncle Sam, aunt Sophia (Ayla's mum) and there was uncle Justin. He was in his late twenties. Then youngest Adams brother. Kai and uncle Sam were like best friends because Sam played in the NBA and Kai's sporty ass loved that.

I greeted my parents who were chilling and eating food with the rest.

Then I greeted all my uncles and aunts that were Collin's crew so Aunt Cleo snd Uncle CJ. "Where is Caleb?" I ask them and aunt Cleo shrugs. "He was somewhere getting drunk." She says and I laugh. "You good honey." She says as she looked at me and I nod. "Yeah ofcourse."

I greeted Uncle Liam who sat with Mia playing Uno with Uncle Mason and My mom. "Hey." I say sitting down with Mariana and Aunt Sophis hands us a plate.

Mia ignores me and I wonder what thats about.

"You wanna play?" Liam asks me and I nod. "Sure."

"Wheres your girlfriend?" My mom asks.


"You shouldve brought her." Mia says. "That would've been fun."

"Yeah super fun." My mom says staring at me. "So what do you know about her family Zain?" My mom asks and my dad comes to sit down with us.

"You told them?" I ask Mia who was clearly sitting here doing the most.

"They already knew." She says putting the cards down.

"I knew I recognized her from somewhere." My mom says and I look at her. "Okay so what? Its a coincidence? Whats the big deal that she is related to your ex." I say and my mom looks at me.

"We do not mess with those people." My dad says.

"Whose those people? She does not have anything to do with Stefano."

"Why is my kid mentioning that dude's name. When will be ever be able to live without this dude being mentioned." My dad says rolling his eyes. Clearly this was a touchy subject between my parents as they barely made eye contact. "Listen- its bad news kid." Uncle Liam says

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