Chapter 45

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Mia's POV

"Kai where are you?" Zain says

"Im driving to Adrian's house."

"You couldnt wait?"

"No. Zain." He says hanging up. Zain looks at the phone and groans out annoyed.

"Hes so fucking annoying. When he gets himself killed he will be blaming me too." Zain says annoyed.

"Why did Jordan go there?" I ask

"Adrian apparently left her the house. Must have been some sort of set up." He mumbles driving.

I call Jordan's phone like a million times. No answer. Just rings out.

"Mia. Stop calling her its driving me nuts." Zain says as I call her again putting it on speaker just hearing it ring out.

"Don't snap at me." I tell him. He ran his fingers through his hair sighing. The drive to Brooklyn wasn't short. He drove like crazy.

When we got the house, we find Kai trying to kick the door in. Im assuming its locked. He then finally kicks it open as Zain runs up to him stopping him.

"Stop.. you trying to die?"

"Move Zain." Kai says pushing him off. He takes a gun out his back pocket and looks at Zain

He walks in and Zain follows and I follow them in. Zain stops me and I look at him.

"You trying to die again?" He says.

"Not now." I tell him as he sighs following Kai in. The place was quiet. Very quiet.

"Jordan... Jordan!" Kai shouts and I feel my stomach turn. I could hear the panick. She was hurt. She was dead. I insantly knew she was dead. I had a feeling.

I run in after Kai who puts the gun down as he kneels in Jordans blood. She laid on the floor in a puddle of blood. Her eyes closed. I scream out . I did not even know I could scream like that. Jordans lifeless body just laid there pale... Kai picked up her head trying to find a pulse. But nothing.

"Jordan.. Jordan." Kai says as he shook her trying to wake her up. Zain stopped me from falling on the floor as I screamed out again.

"Kai. Kai." He says trying to drag him off her body. I want to throw up. I was dizzy. My heart broken as I saw Jordan's lifeless body just there as Kai had her head on his chest staring at the wall.

"Kai get up please. We need to go. We have to go." He says. I hear sirens but my body was unable to move.

"Lets get out of here." Zain says dragging Kai who fights him off. Both now covered in Jordan's blood. Within seconds, the house is raided by police.

"Kai get up before they fucking shoot you." Zain says as Kai was holding Jordan to his chest as he sat onnthe floor.

Two officers grabbed Kai and another two grabbed Zain. Zain did not even fight them. I think the shock fo Jordan being dead was sinking in. I couldn't stop the tears. They grab me up handcuffing me too.

"Let go of me. Let go!" Kai says as he tries to go back to Jordan. "Thats my fucking girlfriend!" He shouts.

We were all seperated and I sat all alone in a room. How many times I've been arrested with the boys I wasnt sure but all I saw was Jordan's dead body. My friend...

"Right. My name is detective Rogers." A man says walking into the room. I had my hands on the table and sat still.

"Where is Kai? And Zain... is Kai ok?" I ask him and he stares at me.

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