Chapter 9

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Zain's POV

"The food is nice here. I have been here before." Kai says and I sit down and look at the menu.

"I am not sure what I am going to have." Mariana says. She was biting nails. They were not her real names but she had acrylics that were a nude colour. She seemed nervous.

"I am having chicken pasta." Kai says

"Guys." Mariana says. "You guys are too interested in this menu. Were here for a reason. Focus?"

"Damn." I say rolling my eyes.

"What does he look like?"

"Kind like you guys? Just has my hair colour. Face wise too he kinda looks like you Zain."

"Damn. You did your research?" Kai says and I look at him. "She havks websites for entertainment?"

"You're such a hater. Do you have any skills or talents?" Mariana says annoyed

"Well..." I say

"Guys stop arguing."

"Okay athlete." Mariana says and I laugh as Kai rolled his eyes. "You're mean girl persona aint needed."

"Look- just decide what youre ordering." Mariana and Kai now bicker over the food.

"Eh... you guys ready to order?"

"No..." Mariana snaps at the waiter. "Clearly- were still deciding."

"Eh..." I say seeing the kid standing there. He looked like me and Kai and Kairo and dad? Tall guy, had blue eyes but dirty blonde hair.

He blinks a few times and looks at Mariana nodding a little probably surprised T the rudeness.

"Okay. Let me know when youre ready." He says before disappearing.

"You guys are stressing me out." Mariana says

"You just missed him." I say and Kai and Mariana look up and look at the guy. Damn. He was a waiter. Crazy to think that I would probably never have to work a day in my life and I would be OK and he was serving people food.

My dad definitely did not know about him.

"Fuck. What do we do now?" Mariana panicks. She sits up straight.

"I'm not sure..." Kai says. "Are we supposed to talk to him?"

"Yeah. Hi? Were your siblings. Surprise!" I say and Kai laughs.

"Yo... He is coming back." Mariana says panicking.

"Hi were ready." I say and he nods. "What can I get for you?"

"Your eyes are very similar to my brother's eyes." Mariana tells him and he looks at us for a second. My dads genes wrre strong. Kai and I looked like twins and my dad could even pass as our triplet. He looked at us for a bit and nodded a little.

"Yeah. I see." He says

"Whats your name?" Mariana now asks him and he raises his eyebrow.

"Ezra." He says. "Are you 6ft2?"

"Eh..." he says a little uncomfortable.

"your household? Single parent? Adopted? Foster care?" She says and the guy now lets out a laugh.

"I was adopted actually." He says. I see where this was going as he now appeared to be interested in Mariana.

"Look- lets cut to the chase." I say and he looks at me. "You're adopted right? My little sister found some files of a sibling of ours adopted from my family. It led us to you ." I say and he frowns. "What?"

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