Chapter 33

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Kai's POV

"Hey." Zain says walking into the kitchen the next morning.

"Whats up." I say as he looks at me.

"Apart from the fact that you are a married man."

"Shut up." He says looking around.

"Chill mom and dad are both not home. Teddy and Kairo are at uncle Mason's house." I say and he rolled his eyes. "Youre so annoying."

"Me?" I say and he sighs sitting down.

"Mia is on her way." He tells me eating my breakfast. "Take your hands off of my food."

"So I got this really nice house." He says. "And I am planning on buying it."

"Oh nice." I say and he chuckles. "So me and you will not be roommates anymore."

"Why you talking like you're breaking up with me?" I say laughing. He looks at and laughs. "Well we did move out and stuff and accidentally return home?"

"Zain Adams. You're free to go and move in with your wife." I say and he rolled his eyes.

"Your wife?" My mom says appearing.

"Thought you left?"

"I said I was leaving in an hour." She says putting on her heels. "Wife?" She repeats and I look at Zain apologetically. He would murder me its official.

"Yeah Mia. My wife." Zain says and my mom rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna throw up." She says and I chuckle seeing that she took it as a joke.

"Hiiii." Mia says walking in.

"Hey Mia." My mom says as she put the other heel on.  "Did you have a good birthday."

"I did." Mia smiles. She looked very happy. Couldnt even notice the hangover.

"It was so nice." She says hugging Zain. "Well this guy is over here calling you his wife so I know he had a great time too." She says as she stands up straight. Mia let go of Zain and looked at him.

"Can one of you guys go pick up Kairo and Teddy. Actually never mind- I think Riley is around today."

"Thank God." Zain says rolling her eyes. "Bye guys." My mom says leaving.

"Your what?" Mia says looking at Zain.

"Well you were the drunk one who kept saying it all night. So Ayla caught on and then told this one." He says.

"They know were married?"

"I forgot my keys." My mom says standing in the kitchen again. How did we not hear those heels leave?

"Oh man." Zain says

"Am I hearing this right?" My mom asks not even picking up the keys on the table.

"Mom..." Zain says and she just stares at the two.

"So we could not even keep this secret for what? 24 hours?" Mia mumbles sitting down.

"So you guys are married." My mom says and Zain nods. Well I was glad I had front row seats watching this explode.

"Okay so yes." Zain finally says. "We went to the court house and got married yesterday."


"We just decided to go and do it? It wasnt planned? I asked her to marry me."

"Your 20 years old." My mom says blinking a few times. "I dont even know what to say..."

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