Chapter 30

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It was our last day in Boston as we had a flight this afternoon back to New York.

I had a great time. It was nice seeing Mariana and her girlfriend and getting to see her here. I know she was homesick before.

"So you guys leaving me..." Mariana says as she sat on the sofa. We just came back from breakfast. The food was nice here.

"Yeppppp. Heard you going Seattle with mom." I say and she nods. "Yes. So excited to be honest. I miss mom so much."

I hear some shit breaking and I could suddenly hear raised voices comjng from upstairs.

"They still fighting?" Mariana asks. "Breaking my shit."

"Zain and Mia have been fighting ever since Mia maxe things right between M and Arianna. I didn't know the problem but they suddenly had an attitude. Then last night Zain went to the club with us and he disappeared off with some girl for like a good hour and he came back high as fuck all over the place not sure what he took.

"The flight back home is gonna be nice." I mumble.

"I have classes tomorrow." Mariana sighs.

"Me too."

"Maybe we should intervene." Mariana says as th fights getting louder and louder.

I walk up the stairs sighing opening the door.

"Touch me again Mia." Zain says angry as fuck as Mia threw a lamp at him which he caught. He throws the lamp against the wall making it smash in pieces.

"Yoooo." I say trying to get their attention but Mia had now grabbed Zain's suitcase and started throwing his shit at him.

"Cut it out." I try put nobody listened.

"You're such a fucking asshole. If you wanna fuck others I told you leave me alone!" She screams at him.

"Stop breaking my shit." He says as he picks up his charger. I take the bag from Mia stopping her.

"Or what?" Mia says trying to go past me. "Yo you guys violating." I say seeing how they trashed the room.

"I dont want to ever speak to you or see you again you fucking asshole." Mia says and Zain kicks the chair before leaving the room slamming the door shut so hard I was worried for a second that the door would fall off.

"So thats a good end to the trip." I mumble picking up the broken glass.

"Who does rhat? Treats me like shit... for helping M out. I just wanted her to be happy. Acting like M's not like my little sister too?" She says angrily packing her shit.

"Then at the club he lets girls dance on him. Then he goes and disappears for an hour with a girl comjng back high as fuck. Fuck him. Fuck him. I am so fucking over it."

"Come on. Lets get going. We got a plane to catch."

"I am not going." She says. "Not with him."

"Come on dude."

"Im gonna stay an extra day. I dont have classes anyway till Wednesday." She mumbles. "Hey you ok?"

I pack Zain's shit that Mia was throwing around while they talked and Mia continued cussing Zain out.

"Well see you back in NY." I tell Mia who rolled her eyes sitting down. Mariana comes downstairs with me hugging me tight.

"I'll see you guys soon..." she says

"Where is Mia?" Zain says

"Shes not coming. She wants to stay." I tell him and he rolled his eyes. I knew Zain was toxic and not going to lie so was I at times but he made stupid decisions sometimes.

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