Chapter 17

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It was our last night in Cabo and it has been nice I guess to be away from life and Eva and all the shitty stuff happening.

Mia and I are pretending like the thing was one big joke but I guess thats how she saw it. Messed my head even more. Now everytime I look at Mia I dont see Mia who sits on top of me and pinches me in fights but Mia who looks like a million dollars. What the fuck?

We were having a BBQ outside with everyone and I guess the drinking started very early.

"Kai and Zain- so what are you not identical in? Looks wise?" Elsie asks as she sat across Kai and I next to Mia and Mariana.

"What do you mean?" I laugh

"Like you guys look like twins?"

"There is some differences?" Kai says. "Like?"

"I dont know? Mom! Whats different between Zain and I?" Kai shouts

"You have a rounder face. Also Kai has more facial hair." She tells us and I laugh. "Youre both also losers." AJ adds on as they laugh at him.

"Zain has a dimple when he smiles. He also sticks out his tongue a little when he smiles. Kai has more of a less serious look than Zain." Mia says

"You know an awful lot of detail about Zain." Kai says and Mia rolled her eyes.

"I even know his underwear size." She says and I laugh. "One time she had to buy me underwear cause I ran out. "

Elsie and Kai just laugh at us but I look at Mia who rolled her eyes. "What do I not know about Mia?" I say and she looks at me. "Don't you dare!" She says sitting up straight. "I'm just joking!" I say poking her side making her scream out because she was ticklish. She stops my hands and tries to tickle me even though she damn well knew I just wasnt ticklish.

"I wanna hear your darkest secrets?" Elsie says . "Kai lets go get food." Mia says getting up dragging Kai away as she stopped playfighting with me.

"Elsbeth youre such a snake." I tell Elsie remembering how she ran to Mia when she overheard us.

"What do you mean?" She frowns and I just stare at her. "Ok fine but I was starting something you guys both clearly want. Im 100% sure she's into you. She has been since the beginning of time? She told me." I was so distracted with what Elsie was saying I didn't see Mia return as she stood next to us.

"Are you serious?" She says as Elsie looks at her. I knew Mia couldn't stand her sister. This was just another blow.

"Don't be child-ish Mia." Elsie says as she looks at her. "Just stating facts."

"Why do you want to be involved in my life so bad? What's your problem?" Mia screams out. "Always chatting fucking shit." Mia throw her cup to thr side as she stepped forward. If there was one firecracker in this weird family we had- it was Mia. Mia really knows how to turn up on someone. The thing with Mia is- she doesnt calm down like I do. She will hold that anger for months and it turns into a grudge.

I get up and stand infront of Mia.

"Acting like a 5 year old. Again. Nothing new." Elsie says provoking her even more. I grab Mia's waist stopping her from fighting her own sister.

"Let her go Zain." Elsie says laughing

"Whats going on?" My mom says as Mia and Elsie are still going back and forth. Liam and my dad all looked up as Mia was screaming at Elsie as I tried to hold her back.

"I think theyre fighting over Zain?" Joey says rolling his eyes. Everyone looked so confused. I let go of Mia and turn around and she gets to Elsie who got up but Liam got in between the two.

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