Chapter 28

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Mia's POV

"Yoooo wake up." Kai says as I feel Zain moving next to me.

I sit up and look at Zain. "What do you want Kai?" He asks with his eyes still shut.

"Omar is downstairs and he told me to get you."

"Fuck." Zain mumbles getting out of bed putting on a tshirts.

"Its 2pm." Kai tells me and I throw a pillow at him. Great. I get up and get dressed into the sweats Zain got me and tuck his tshirt in. I put on my heels, fix my hair before going down the stairs trying to hide while Zain was being told off for missing his whole job this morning.

"The workers couldnt find you so they called me. They had a new plan ahead of them." Omar says. "The second floor plan fell apart because the floorings did not hold up."

"So? They wasted everyones money."

"No Zain. Your money." He tells him.

"You got good workers here. Good contractor. The fact they wanted to continue without your instructions tells you a lot. So you better be there tomorrow."

"Hey Mia." Kairo says behind me and I look at him. "Shhh!" I tell him. I was waiting for my uber.

"You shouldve never went into business with him." Nick says telling Omar. I felt so bad. I was still drunk this morning telling Zain to stay.

"Mia!" Desi says and I sigh punching Kairo's arm. "Thanks loser."

"Ouch?" He says as he laughed at me as I walked into the kitchen as Omar left.

"I was just leaving." I tell her.

"Were you here all night?" She asks. "Liam was looking for you."

"My phone died. I fell asleep." I tell her.

"Liam even asked you were Mia was."

"So? What do I tell him? Mia was sleeping in my bed?" Zain asks and I look at him. I was drunk as fuck.

"Yes?" Nick says looking at Zain. "Honestly for a second I thought you were responsible and you were able to run this business."

"I missed one morning. Big fucking deal." Zain says.

"It is. It is a big fucking deal. You lost out on what? 100k dollars?"

Zain rubs his eyes and I see he was getting agitated. This was all my fault.

"Its not him." I say and they all just look at him. "I turned the alarm off this morning. Thought it was mine." I lie.

"I could hear the shower at 6am when I was going for a run." Nick says.

"You go out for runs?" I say and Nick rolled his eyes.

"Regardless." Desi says. "You guys dont need to be sleeping together under a house you dont pay rent in."

"Oh man." Zain says putting his hands in his hair, "why we now talking about this?"

I could die right now.

"Its just the rules. You cant have sex in my house. Youre gonna giving me grand babies because I am too young for that."

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Zain says.

"Helloooo." Kai says walking into the kitchen followed by my dad.

"Hey. I was looking for you?" Liam says.

"Im here. Lets go home." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Well I'm here for Nick and Blu. Are you okay?" He asks me.

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