Chapter 43

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Ezra's POV

Great. I was screwed. I did not think this was going to happen when I decided to come out with my new brothers. I had a great time not going to lie. They were funny and entertaining as hell.

But a charge is the last thing I need right now. 

Zain was being a right ass when they were trying to arrest him. It was a sight to watch. This was not going to go down well at all. He punched a cop in the face and the kicked the other one. Next thing I know Zain was being tazed by a police officer.

I get my phone out a little drunk and fumble before calling Nick. Eh... this is awkward.

"Hello." He answers. What time was it. He sounded like he just woke up.

"Ezra?" He says and I clear my throat. "Hey. Yeah. Its Ezra."

"You good?"

"Eh. Yeah? i guess. Well not really. Im with Zain and Kai and this massive fight broke out and Zain's currently resisting arrest."

"Are they arresting you?"

"I guess so. They arresting everyone. Yeah I got to go." I say before they handcuff me.

Ah great. Kimberly was going to be so pissed. Next thing I know we were sitting in a room all together.

"You couldn't just let it go. He came to apologize." Mia says to Zain. She kept pulling her lilac dress down which did not move much. It was quit small. Just about covered her ass and boobs.

"Shut the fuck up Mia." Zain says and I look at him. That wasn't really a good way of talking to your girl. I was a little bit shocked at their behaviour. As soon as Zain's fist connected Kai got up and started fighting too. Their loyalty was crazy and they seemed really close.

Mia had shoves Zain back clearly pissed and Kai steps in between the two. "Hey. They'll arrest you again." 

Zain was still handcuffed just because of how he was acting. He then started kicking the table and they had to remove the table out the room.

"Why do you care so much?" Zain asks Mia. "You wanted to be his friend. Sorry I fucked up your little friend."

"Yo you need medical attention?" I ask Kai who whiped his mouth with his sleeve. 

"I'm good. Dont worry." He says.

"Welcome to the Adams." He adds on as the door opens.

An officer walks in followed by my grandmother. "Mrs Adams." The officer says and she nods as he leaves.

"Grandma. Its great to see you." Kai says and I look at the lady. It was Nick's adoptive mother. She looks at us and sighs.

"Boys. What kind of stuff did you get yourself into?" She says.

"Hi Ezra."

"Hi Jasmine." I say and she looks at me. "What you doing here?"

"I repersent my grandsons very often."

"Oh you're a lawyer." I say and she nods. "I used to represent my sons too. Thought we were done with that- now we have my grandkids." She says sitting down.

"Oh you're here." Nick says walking in looking at his mom. Desi follows him in too and some other guy.

"Do you guys know what time it is?" Nick says looking at them. "And your stupid shit has dragged Ezra in now?" Desi adds on looking at me.

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