Chapter 35

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Kai's POV

I took off my hoodie and gave it to Zain as we entered the hospital and they took Mia from us and rushed her away. I had to take the gun in his back pocket and leave it in my car as he was all over the place. Seeing Mia fighting for her life was one traumatic event I didn't think could make my week even worse.

Zain doesn't even put the hoodie on. He just continues pacing the place as he holds it in his hand tight. His knuckles were losing colour thats how tight he gript it.

"Stop. Zain. Stop." I say taking the hoodie back and I shove it over his head. He slowly reaches his arms and puts it on sitting down.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He says getting back up. "She's gonna die. She's gonna die and shes not gonna make it." He says. "All because I wanted to be some fucking asshole."

"Zain." I say and he shakes his head and I sit down letting him walk around as he now kicks a trash can. Jordan flinches as she stood around in her coat with her hoodie , the fur covering most her face "Chill." I say and I pick it up and sigh as he continues to pace the floor.

"Look. Lets just wait. Okay?" I tell him. The doors open and I see my parents appear first rushing in.

"What the hell happened?" My mom says.

"Mia was shot... mom she's gonna die... shes gonna die..." Zain says as he stops pacing the floor and my mom puts her hand on her mouth and I see her eyes tearing up. I felt like I was going to throw up. My mom puts her arms around Zain who puts his head on her shoulder as she just holds him whilst she cried.

"Mom stop crying." I say feeling that she was making things worse. My dad stops a doctor

"Mia Henry." He says.

"Family?" He asks looking at us.

"Yes. Family. Whats going on?"

"Shes in surgery. The bullet is being taken out but she lost a lot of blood... were not sure how this will go."

"What do you mean? Are you not doctors?" He asks annoyed. "Sir please were doing the best we can." He says before leaving.

Liam runs into the ward coming through the doors.

"Where is she?" He says panicked. "She's in surgery." My dad says stopping him. "You can't go in Liam." He says as Liam pushes him aside trying to find where she is.

Zain had taken his phone out of his pocket and has now walked out. I follow him out wondering where he was going.

"Yo." I say and he stops.

"Where you going?"

"I'm gonna go find Adrian first. And then find his friends. Kill them and then kill Adrian." He says as he turns around. "Give me the keys."

"Zain, Mia needs you here. She needs you alive."

"I need to go kill him." He shouts at me. "Mia is dying. This you see her face? Blood was coming out her mouth! I do not want to be around for when Mia is pronounced dead!" He says and I shake my head.

"Mia deserves better." I say and he stares at me. "She deserves better than me. She deserves someone that can keep her safe and now shes dying because of me!"

"Zain. Calm down."

"Give me the fucking keys Kai." He shouts at me.

"I'll drive." I say getting into his car. I drive to Adrian's house and Zain doesn't even wait for me to get out. He takes the gun from me and kicks the door in.

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