Chapter 15

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Zain's POV

"Just come- Why do you not want to come? It be nice time away?" I say as I got dressed. There was a million missed calls on my line from my family.

"Do you not see how weird that is?" Eva asks me and I look at her as she sat on her bed. She had on my tshirt and sat there with her bare face and hair up. She looked so innocent.

"Whats weird?" I ask. "You're finally free from him?"

"He was still the only family I had left out here?" She says. "Its like you don't get it at all."

"I don't? He was a bastard who made your life hell and tried to kill us. A number of times!"

"I know... fuck. Its like you don't get it at all. When my my dad died and my mom went to jail he couldve left me to go into some shitty care system!"

"Right- but instead he groomed you and made you some drug dealer at 12."

"Just leave it." She mumbles rubbing her eyes. "I'm going to Seattle for his funeral and I'm going to stay there with Natalia for a few days. I need a break from new york."

"Fine." I shrug putting on my air forces. I don't know how I found myself here after last night. I got drunk and came here I guess. She stares at me and shakes her head.

"Youre such a fucking asshole." She says. "Its like you don't even want to understand."

"There is no way I could have any understanding for Stefano Cortez." I say frowning. I was even moved by his death.

"Just fucking go." She says getting up. I pick up my phone and my keys as she sits back down. "You know- I might just not come back from Seattle. I might stay at home."

"Fine." I say as she looked at my reaction. I really did not get her. At all. "You think I'm gonna stop you? Do whatever the fuck you wanna do Eva." I say annoyed that she was saying this.

I leave slamming her door shut annoyed. She was so fucking irritating because she really knew how to mess with my feelings.

I head to my parents home where everyone was ready to go.

I came the same time as Kai did who jumped out of an uber.

"Well well well.." I say and he looks at me. "Shut up Zain." He says and I see the door opening.

"Unbelievable." Mia says. "I was hungover yet I made it here. On time!"

"You clearly didnt get laid last night." Kai says and Mia rolled her eyes.

"You two clearly did."

"Hey I have a girlfriend. Had a girlfriend?" I say correcting myself.

"What do you mean?" Kai says and Mia frowns.

"We just kinda broke up?"

"Were you not with her all night?"

"Yeah but this morning we had a fight and she said shes done. Shes moving back to Seattle maybe."

"Oh damn. Well this whole thing was not really going to work out anyway?" Mia says. "Her uncle was a sociopath and your mom killed him."

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