Chapter 21

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Zain's POV

Mia has moved back into her dad's home and I could not have come at a worse time. Kai and I's apartment's lease ran out a month early and the guy does not want to have us in there anymore.

That was just great really. So while my parents were in Boston with Mariana, Kai and I returned home. We were basically homeless.

"We should just buy a house." I say and Kai looks at me.

"Shut up." He says rolling his eyes. We were staying at my parents for literally half a day. Kairo and Teddy were with aunt Cleo and uncle CJ.

"Cant believe you threw out those eviction letters all month." He says. "Why do I continue living with you?"

"Oh wow." I say and he laughs. "Relax. What would you do without me? You will probably move in with me and my wife and kids at 40."

"Shut up. You with a wife? Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Have YOU ever had a girlfriend longer than 3 months?" He asks and we both just laugh. "Were so screwed. Mom and dad will be so pissed." Kai says

"Well all our stuff here. Besides- we can live here till we find somewhere. Which needs to be ASAP."

"You just want to fuck Mia without Liam Henry's million eyes."

"That too. Why did she move back home?" I mumble. Well she also got kicked out.

"Well we should all move in together." I suggest. "Fuck that. Me with you and Mia? Id rather shoot myself. I do not want to ever hear Mia and you having sex."

"When was the last time you had sex?" I ask him

"2 nights ago." He says. "Oh yeah. Alyssa?"

"Nope. Amina." Shes in the fashion industry or something. Models."

"Oh wow."

"But not very bright." He says and I shake my head. "Kai I think youre psychologically damaged. Why can you not find a girl?"

"Well youre damaged because every girl you find you catch feelings for."

"Shut up." I laugh.

"Speak of the devil." Kai says seeing Mia walk into the kitchen.

"Whole Manor to yourself!" She says. "You can throw a party. A wedding. A funeral. Everything here."

"Yeah. Don't even put that idea in his head." Kai says getting up putting his plates in the sink before walking out the kitchen.

"Hey." I say as I take her hand pulling her into my lap. She had on a black small dress that was very tight. She puts her arms around me pressing her lips against mine.

"You smell good." She tells me and I chuckle. We have been dating pretty much a few weeks now. Honestly? It was going so well- even I wasnt expecting this.

"What you doing?" She asks as I pull her dress up. "Nothing how about you?" I ask as she laughs pushinh my hand off.

"The day I have sex with you in this kitchen while Kai is in the living room- Kill me."

"You're so dramatic." I say and kisses me again. "Its like were having sex 6 times a day."

"Whats wrong with that?" I ask as she kisses me again. "Come on. I am starting classes next week and I am so sad you're not going to be at school."

"Well College aint really my thing." I say

"But owning property is- hows that going?"

"I saw Omar and my lawyer a few days ago.  The property is officially mine. Construction starts in a few days."

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