Chapter 50

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Two days later

"I've just come from training. I'm tired." Kai says to me as I sit in his new kitchen. I've been staying her and technically we just moved in together like last time.

"I'm ordering pizza. Forgot how hard living alone is."

"When is your apartment ready?" He asks.

"They're moving our shit in so in a few days." I say. "Why do you care? Youre paying rent for what? You sleeping in every girls apartment on this floor's bed but your own."

"Shut up." He laughs drinking water

"Helloooo." Mariana says appearing. "You got a key huh?" Kai asks

"No dad does?" She says and my dad appears. Great. More disowning and shouting.

"What's up dad."

"I've been dragged here." Mariana says. "I'm leaving tomorrow for Boston."

"Hey. You settled in." My dad says to Kai who nods.

"And you brought your brother along."

"Did you come to verbally abuse me more?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"Yes." He says. "Look I'm sorry I shouted. Please return home. If you want? You dont have to."

"In other words... get your own place."

"Its cool." I tell my dad who fist bumps me. "I need to talk to you about something. Since you're all adults. I already spoke to Kairo."


"Your mom filed for divorce." He says and we all just stare at each other. "What?" I say and he clears his throat.

"Look we havent been seeing eye to eye on a lot of things. Shes gone and filed. So..."

"Wait thats fucked up." I mumble. "Were too old for our parents to get a divorce."

"Look, we just going through some shit."

"Yeah last time you we spent 5 years in Seattle?" I say frowning. My dad fixes the nike cap on his head. "Im done with fighting with your mom. We been fighting and making up 21 years."

"So... how does this work?"

"I'm moving out."

"To where?"

"I have 3 properties in Manhattan alone." He says rolling his eyes.

"This is why she went Seattle this morning with Teddy..."

"She didn't even say bye." Kai says confused.

"What did you do to mom?" Mariana asks. "So what? Im always the bad guy?" He asks

"You cheated?" I ask him and he chuckles. "On your mom? Never."

"This is too much. Im going." Mariana says

"But I'm your ride." My dad says

"I get your upset... last time you broke up what happened? We lived in different cities. Mom didn't even know me then. She adopted me at 6."

"Look. You're not gonna lose her just because I'm not with her."

"Yes I am because realistically she's not my mom. She's there mom and she only adopted me because you guys were together. My moms dead remember. So now you're done im gonna be also divorced." Mariana looked so upset. I think she was about to cry as she ran out the kitchen.

"Well that didnt go down well." My dad sighs

"Maybe mom shouldve had this conversation with her.."

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