Chapter 34

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Zain's POV

I stand outside waiting for my parents as I could not really explain over the phone that Kai possibly killed someone? I throw my cigarette away sighing when I see Keneth and Mark. I grab Keneth's shirt and shove him against the wall of the hospital smoking area.

"What the fuck?" He says

"Why the fuck you taking my brother to drug dealers houses?" I ask him.

"Dude... I offered it to Mark and he came because he was protecting Mark. How would I have fucking known that the psycho was also Jordan's ex!" He says with fear in his eyes.

"Let him go Zain." My dad says behind me and I let go sighing and they both disappear.

"What the fuck is going on?" He says. "Where is Kai?"

"He's inside."

"What happened?"

"Well Kai thinks he killed him." I say and my dad just stares at me. "Kai is covered in his blood. His hands busted and Jordans also unconscious."

"Ehat happened to her?"

"Well Adrian- your trusted employee- was beating Jordan up and she is now unconscious with probably a concision."

"Fuck." My dad says. "Your mom went to check out if he is alive or dead."

He walks inside and we head up to Kai's room.

"Hey." My dad says looking at Kai who was noe sitting down on the bed with his legs off the bed.

"Is he..."

"I don't know. Your mom went to go check it out." My dad says and Kai nods a little.

"I was not trying to... I wanted to... he was beating up Jordan."

"Do you want to go and see her?" My dad asks him

"I don't ever want to see her." He says staring at his Air forces. He looked so sad I had an urge to go cuss her out.

My dad answers his phone and looks at Kai. "Hes not." He says before handing him the phone and he speaks to my mom.

"Hey..." Mia says knocking the door. Its midnight. I only told her because I remembered she knew about Jordan and her ex because she kept telling Kai.

"You okay?" She asks Kai who nods giving my dads phone back. "She here?" She asks and I look at her. "That triffling..." she says leaving the room.

I laugh but my dad stops her and brings her back into the room rolling his eyes.

"Dont get us kicked out." I tell Mia

"That girl is bad news- remember I told you." Mia says. "Her ex-boyfriend psycho. I heard someone once saw him threatening her that he was gonna kill her and kill himself. There was a rumour that he dragged her out of class and a few days later she came back with bruises all over her."

"Lets get out of here." Kai says hopping off the bed. He looked so depressed it made me fucking sad?

"Look... Jordan doesn't deserve you. Your first relationship is always shit anyway." I say and he just nods not even a chuckle before leaving. His face was busted my his cheek and had a plaster on it.

I sigh as my dad leaves with Kai. Mia looks at me and just comes over hugging me. "He'll be okay." She says and I nod a little.

"I wouldve killed him." I say. "I might still do."

"Dont be stupid." She says letting go.

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