Chapter 14

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Kai's POV

"Good morning!" Mia says so loud my ears start to ring.

"God Mia." I say and she looks at me. "Hungover?" She says and I frown. She was so annoying sometimes. Her and Mariana sat on the sofa as I sat down with my cup of coffee.

"Its like 7am. Why did we have to leave so early?" I say looking at my mom who walked into the living room.

"We have a long flight ahead of us. Leave the nagging for later."

"Should have left the drinking to a minimum last night." Uncle Alex says who walked into the room. I stayed at my parents house last night. I went to get my suitcase this morning . Since we were all going on vacation together and also everyone was just here. So we had a BBQ and had bunch of other family members over. It was raining which thankfully we were going to leave behind.

"Uncle Alex. You gave me the shots." I say and he chuckles.

"Right. We are leaving in an hour. Mariana are you packed?" My mom says and I look at her. She looked ready to go. Her hair done , she wore a summer dress and had on her sunglasses on top of her head.

"Where is Zain?" My dad says walking in.

"He stayed at Eva's last night." I say. "He said he would be here at 7.

"Call him." My mom says who picked up Teddy and put him in a high chair as she started feeding him.

"Where is AJ?" Mariana says

"Upstairs I guess."


"Elsie are you coming?" I ask her who dragged in a bag. "Yes ofcourse." She says smiling. Elsie was so hot. She ws like that older sister of your friend rhat was 100% out of your leage and always kid zoned you.

"Hey." Uncle Alex says. "Heard you got engaged." He hugs her as she stood still. "Hey Alex. Yes." She says showing her ring .

"So you're gonna get married to someone else? Thats not me?" I say and Elsie laughs.

"Sorry Kai. You would be second choice though." She says and everyone laughs.

Zain did not answer his phone as I called and texted. He was probably still sleeping. I call Eva . No answer. I finally call Natalia.

"Hello." Natalia says answering.

"Hey is Zain there?" I ask

"Uh..." she says and I sounded like she was half asleep. "Nope. Just Eva in her bed." She says after a few seconds. "Okay cool."

"No Zain?" Mia asks

Eva calls me back and I answer. "Hello."

"Hey." She says. "Have you seen Zain?"

"What do you mean?" She says . She suddenly sounded awake and alert.

"He left last night. 3am, we went to the club." She says . "Then we had a fight... fuck. I'm gonna go check the apartment." She says before hanging up.

"Eh... she said shes going to the apartment to wake him up." I say covering. Maybe he was so drunk thats he is knocked out.

"Who goes clubbing the night before a vaccation." My mom mumbles. "An early flight."

"We have about 45minutes until we need to leave. The jet will be ready." My dad says walking into the room and out again.

I turn the ps4 on and Joey and I play some games. Joey was a bit annoying- but Zain really couldnt stand him. He was that kid that was just annoying. Total opposite of Mia- even though she was annoying too.

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