Chapter 25

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Kai's POV

Its probably been two weeks- ish and college was up and running.

The whole basketball thing happened and everyone acted like the disappearance of Evans was not craziest thing ever.

Tim made sure that all our footage was gone of any trace of us and we were all alibied up as he edited the security cameras off our houses and acted like we were there.

Mike took over his grandfather's job as he knew he was dead. He knew he would be dead. Liam Henry did not play games about his kids.

I was reinstated in the team- not benched and was training hardcore along side classes

"Mia. You got English?" I ask her and she nods as I run up the steps. "I'm hungover. Why am I even here." Mia acted dumb but lowkey she was smart and she was book smart. She just never showed it.

"Can you see from my eyes?" She asks and I look at her.

"You look high as fuck." I laugh as we walk into English. I took English as well.

"Hi Jordan." Mia says as we sat down in a corner. Mia knew every girl in college. She was like the gate keeper of who was cool and who wasnt.

"Oh hi." She says as she sits down infront of us. She was a pretty girl. Think black curls that fell over her shoulders. She wore a black coat with a fur hoodie on. "Didnt know you took English." She says

"Its my major." Mia says. "Unfortunately."

"This is Kai. My friend." She says introducing me and the girl looks at me.

"Thought you were dating last time I saw you." She chuckles.

"Oh. Thats his brother." Mia says and I chuckle. "We just look a lot alike."

"Yeah you guys got that unforgettable faces. Dark hair bright eyes." She chuckles taking her coat off. She had a black tshirt on.

"A few days ago I did Jordan's make up at my house and Zain came to bring me food." Mia says and I nod. I saw that. She was stunning. "Nice." I say. I wasnt really into girl. I wanted to focus on class and basketball. No distractions especially not Zain and my friends beign all high and drunk all the time.

Class started and Mia and I joked about Zain's new job and how we should go surprise him and also go annoy him.

"Could you do my make up again?" Jordan asks Mia who nods. "Depends when?"

"Saturday." She says. "I'm going on a date."

"With me right?" I say and she raises her eyebrows.

"Smooth." She chuckles. And suddenly I was up for being into the girl just because I was bejng a stupid guy. Besides- I have not had sex for weeks. "See you guys later."

Class was over and I look at Mia. "She was totally into me."

"Totally." Mia says as she laughs at me.

"Shes so cute."

"Don't go there." Mia says and I wait for an explanation. "Her ex boyfriend is crazy. He tried to kill her last summer when she broke up with him. Now hes stalking her every move."

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