Chapter 11

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Eva's POV

Wednesday I take Natalia to the warehouse to collect the money and stuff for Stefano. The warehouse was big and in the middle of kinda nowhere. Someone shipped it in and I distributed it to the runners.

"So- how much you collecting every night?" Natalia asks me as she looked at the packages.

"Like 5000." I say sitting down clearing the boxes out. "So you give them the product and collect money."


"Damn. You basically just moved the business out here."

"Its kinda against my will. Im making money atleast."

"So how is this going to work out long term with Zain?"

"What do you mean?"

"If he finds out Stefano selling here. Thats Collin's territory."

"Yeah. But... he probably wont." I shrug. "Im not trying to do this forever. I want to escape soon. Break free. I just need someone he can trust that can go in my position."

"Well... this is New York. Who is willing to be going against the Collin's?"

"Nat. I just want to ignore it because I have no solution for it." I say and she chuckles.

"Hey..." I say watching Tristan walk into the warehouse.

"Hi. Hey." He then says looking at Natalia.

"You got the 700 plus the 500 from Sunday?"

"The thing is..." he starts and Natalia and I look at eachother.

"Dude- no money... I cant pay you. Stefano wont pay me." I say and he shrugs. "Its cool, I will figure it out?"

"I cannot believe youre trying to punk me right now." I say frowning. Maybe I should invest in a gun? Scare thm a little bit.

"See you for next batch yeah?" He says picking up a box and leaving.

"Oh my God." Natalia says we watch him leave. "I fucking hate Stef." I sigh. I kick the empty box and sit down on the other one.

"Soo... you look pissed off." I hear and I look up at Zain standing outside the warehouse. He looked good as always standing in his white tshirt and dark jeans. His eyes pierced right through me.

"What you doing here?" I say surprised he even found me. I never told him where I was working.

"This your job?" He asks walking in. "I thought I'd pop by and see you."

"He really is an Adams kid." Natalia tells me and I frown getting up.

"You what? Tracked me down?"

"Dont worry about all of that- damn. Whats with the attitude?" He says frowning. I was maybe trying to stall him from seeing what the fuck was going on here. He looks around and looks back at me.

"So what is this? Like a warehouse? This please looks very abondoned?" He says as he looks inside the box. He looks at me and frowns.

"You forgot the mention the white goods." He says taking out a package.

"Its not mine." I say and he frowns. "Its Stefano's."

"And youre working for him? Here in New York?"

"It was either this or he kinda kills me so?"

"What?" He says. He looked pissed off. This did not last very long?

"I was so fucking stupid- telling my parents nah she dont run in those circles. She doesnt do those things. What the fuck are you doing?" He snaps

"Yo take it down a notch." Natalia says as she frowns at Zain's behaviour. Zain was not the nicest guy really. He was kinda an asshole sometimes.

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