Chapter 6

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Eva's POV

I've been staying at Zain's for a few days now and so far I have not heard from Stefano and I have not seen him or heard of him. I was getting really tired of his games.

Surprisingly I felt right at home with Zain who was with me all the time. He hasnt even gone to party with his friends just because he does not want to leave me.

So to do something nice I thought I could plan our next date since all we have been doing is watching TV and kissing. He is being super respectful and I was so happy about this because I felt like he wanted me not just me for my body.

I told Zain to get us some snacks and I went to the store to buy some stuff for our date,

The art supply story I bought blank canvasas and paint and all the equipment I needed for today.

"You dropped something." I hear behind me so I turn around feeling my heart sink to my stomach.

"Why the fuck do you keep scaring me."

"Hey lil cousin." Stefano says as he hands me the brushes. "You did like artistic shit." He says and I just stare at him.

"Lets go for a walk." He says and I nod before purchasing my stuff. I walk out and Stefano threw the cigarette he was smoking on the floor.

"You like it here huh?" He asks and I nod

"I do."

"I was a jerk last time." He says.

"Yeah your girlfriend beat me up." I mumble.

"Look- I have a deal. You continue staying here. I'll get you your own place." He says. "Just not with that Adams kid."

"Whats the catch."

"Im running a division here."

"In New York. Aint that Collins territory?"

"Well youre gonna make sure they do not find out." He smiles. "Your pretty boyfriend will make sure they dont harm you. He looks very very smitten."

"Leave Zain out of this."

"All you got to do- is over see my boys. Make sure theyre doing their job. Theyll bring the money to you at the warehouse. Count it and put it somewhere safe for me to collect. I'll give you 10k a month for this."

"I have classes."  I say and he chuckles.

"They will bring the money to you every Wednesday and every Sunday. Midnight. So that aint hard?"

"Is there nobody else?"

"Who else than my sweet little cousin." He smiles.

"Fine." I mumble. "Now . Stop popping up." I say and he chuckles before leaving.

I go to Zain and Kai's apartment and was even in a better mood. Felt likr a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Zain gave me a spare key and everytime I look at the key it made me realize how fucking sweet he was. My stomach would do some flips and i even felt a bit sick at some point.

I could hear Zain's voice in the living room so I went to his bedroom quickly and put the stuff down before coming down the stairs.

"Hey." Zain says as I walk into the living room. Kai was laying on the sofa with the remote in his hand , ice on his legs and Caleb sat on the other couch. There was always a friend or a cousin or a sibling around Zain. He was very popular.

"Hey." I say as I pull his shirt so I had to tiptoe to press my lips against his. He leans in kissing me back. "Ew- move away from the tv!" Kai says and Zain chuckles and now drags me to block the tv purposefully as he continues kissing my lips.

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