Chapter 20- Oblivious

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 "You could say I'm trippin, if ya feel like. But you without me ain't right." It Makes Me Ill, *NSYNC

Jordan’s P.O.V

I picked at my food with my fork and stared at the burger facing me. The French fries were probably all cold by now. And I barely took a bite out of anything. I couldn’t eat. I had less than 24 hours in the Bahamas. Less than 24 hours with Nathan. And the worst part is that he won’t even do anything. I mean yeah, we kissed by the pool side and all and he basically said he liked me but he never officially asked me out or anything. And the thing that really got me is that that Nathan I was with by the pool was almost nothing like the Nathan I’ve been with the past couple days. That night, he was loving and caring. But ever since then, he could barely look at me in the eyes without turning around or looking at the ground.

What the heck?

He knows I like him.

I know he likes me. [I’m almost sure.]

Why won’t he officially do something about it?

And to be honest, I’ve barely seen him since the minute we walked into this restaurant. He claimed that he had to go outside and ‘do something’ real quick and that he’d be back.

It’s now been like 20 minutes and he wasn’t back.
I sighed in frustration and jabbed my fork into my burger.

Everyone at the table stopped their talking and eating and gave me a bunch of wide eyes. I looked at them all and shrugged. “What?”

Tom nodded towards my plate of food and then looked at me. “Why are you trying to kill your burger?” he asked.

Once again I shrugged and let out a deep sigh. “I don’t know, not hungry.”

“But you were like dying in the car. You couldn’t wait to get off and finally eat.” Kat pointed out and popped a french fry in her mouth.

“Well maybe I can change my mind!” I snapped.

Kat jumped a little at my tone voice and sank in her seat a bit. Feeling guilty, I let out yet another sigh and looked over at Kat. “Sorry Kitty Kat, I’m just not in a good mood.” I apologized and grabbed my fork out of my burger, attempting to actually eat it.

“So why are you in a mood?” Max asked.

I jabbed my fork back into my burger with even more force than last time and looked down at the napkin under my head. “Because boys are idiots!” I scowled.

Max’s eyes went wide again and Tom slowly reached over across the table to grab my plate. “Aye, you shouldn’t just waste a good burger like that!”

“And please elaborate on why you say boys are idiots.” Heather said and took a sip of her lemonade.

“Yeah, even though we all know the basics on their idiotness.” Willow added on jokingly.

“They’re just-they’re just-AHHH!!” I screamed in frustration, causing a few people to stop and turn their heads at us. “Why does a guy have to completely ignore a girl’s feelings? Why does he not have the nerve to finally just ask her out and be with her instead of just making her wait? Wait and wait until the very last minute when they’ll probably never see each other again?!” I raised my voice a little more with each question. Nathan still wasn’t back yet, so there was no worry of him listening. Not that he’d even pay attention if he were really here anyway.

“This is about Nath, isn’t it?” Jay asked.

“Ya think?” Rachael replied sarcastically and shook her head. “Jordan, look you can’t just blame this all on Nathan, I mean, give the guy a break, he-“

“A break? A break? Rach, I’ve given him more than a frickin ‘break’! I’ve been waiting on him for like a week to finally do something. And guess what? He hasn’t done anything at all! He’s basically been ignoring me the whole time! Like, what the-“

“Jordan. Jordan. Calm down girly.” Willow tried to stop me from getting us kicked out of the place. “You know how boys are. Look, you know Nathan likes you. Maybe he’s just shy.”


“JORDAN!” Kat gasped. She threw her spoon down and sat back in her chair, covering her ears. “No bad words at the table!”

I murmured something to myself and crossed my arms. I wasn’t in the mood to watch my language. Willow opened her mouth to say something but was stop by Nathan’s sudden presence. He stood there next to the table and gave a small smile and wave before he sat down next to Tom across from me.

“Did I miss anything?” Nathan asked as he settled down in his seat. Everyone just kinda rolled their eyes and gave him a look. Noticing this, Nathan looked up and stared at everyone. “What?”

Nathan Sykes, you are so oblivious.


Kinda shorter than my usual chapters, I know. But kinda split the chapter, that's why! :)

~Sarah xx

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