Forbidden Eternity. (19).

Start from the beginning

"Mate, what's with the inner brooding?" Jared snide remarks brings Daniel back to now, and he picks out a loose grey top.

"Nothing." He pulls the shirt over his head and turns back to Jared, who is now slumped across his bed with his hands behind his head. Dickhead.

"Oooh, is it that boy?" He waggles his eyebrows and Daniel snorts, storming into the bathroom, he turns the tap on roughly and splashes his face with ice cold water, looking up into the mirror with the water still dripping down his face.

God, it's coming again.

He can't avoid this one, it's already happened twice today.

Oh god, he can't handle this shit now.

Daniel can see it plain as day, written deep into the features of his face. And there was no denying it, it was coming soon rather than later as he'd hoped, and he had only just got over the last one. His lapse in control caused him so much pain that he didn't even remember his own name for a while. He needed the release, and soon.

Otherwise it'll be the people around who will pay.

Oh Dio, what if Katie is around when he loses control!

No, it won't happen, because she won't be around when he loses control, he'll make sure of it, even if it means escaping this... hell whole.

Escaping, that's just what it is isn't it? He can get off sight, sure, but when it came to permanently leaving, the council had made sure that he wouldn't get far. So did that...

He can't even think of her name.

"My man, whatcha' doing? Checking if your period started?"

Daniel lets out a harsh bark of laughter and returns to the main room, then looks at the window, its still daylight, so what the hell is Jared doing up?

He asks Jared this and Jared gives him a level headed stare, "I was hanging around the place, when I saw you err, coming back in with a certain dark haired goddess, so I thought, why the hell should you get all the fun? So I'm going to interrogate you until you tell what the sex was like."

Daniel snorts and shakes his head, "No sex, and stay away from her."

Jared laughs, "Hey man, she's all yours if you want her that much."

"What's doing really?" Daniel asks after a moment and Jared smiles.

"I need my nails doing." Daniel glares at him and Jared guffaws, "Okay, no I actually came because I'm bored out of my pissing mind, so I thought we might go partying tonight eh?"

Daniel stares at Jared. Jared knows what's going on with Daniel as of three years ago by accident and it almost killed him, but tonight he didn't need the kind of party release.

Daniel knew what he needed, and he curses himself to high heavens for it.

"Not tonight, I-"

"You don't need to explain my man; I know what this is about."

Daniel looks at his friend with a new kind of understanding, thanking the guy silently for not pressing on the matter.

"Are you going now?"

Daniel glances at the window and nods, and then looks back down at Jared with a smirk, "Are you going to fuck off?"

Jared purses his lips as if in deep thought and he looks up at the ceiling, "Well, its daylight, you have a pretty fine pad compared to the dorms in this place, I think I might stay."

Daniel hikes up the window without warning and Jared hisses.

"Jesus, okay okay, I'll leave."

Daniel smirks and looks at Blaze, who nods in understanding, and then Daniel hops out of the window, landing gracefully on the balls of his feet into the snow. Shit, he's forgotten his hoodie. He scales the walls again, his fingers fitting into the tiny crooks between each brick and he is in the room again in under a second.

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