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I left Ava in my apartment to sleep

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I left Ava in my apartment to sleep. She isn't very well today, she had a slight temperature and she seemed very lethargic, maybe she's coming down with a cold. I told her I had plans to meet the boys for dinner and I would cancel if she needed me, but she insisted I still go on the condition that I would come back with hugs, kisses and some medicine incase she still felt poorly. She's so fucking cute.

"So what's new?" Liam asks trying to make general conversation with us but failing miserably due to the fact Niall and Louis are still fucked from last night. They haven't managed to put normal sentences together the whole time we have been here.

"Have you two been home yet?" I ask staring at Niall just watching the drool drip down his chin. His head is propped up on his hand but I'm pretty sure he is asleep.

I slap the table hard right in front of him causing him to jump up. "What the fuck was that?" He slurs wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before picking up his beer and knocking it back in a matter of seconds. "Fuck, I feel sick."

"Your anymore alcohol, cant handle." Louis laughs and hiccups. I'm not sure if that was just random words he threw together or he was actually trying to say something. "And no H, no home yet. All night and party day. Wooo." He throws his hand up in the air, grinning at nothing.

Me and Liam look at each other rolling our eyes at the utter messes that are sitting in front of us.

"I'm still drunk." Louis declares before smacking his head down on the table.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night mate?" Liam asks grinning at me knowing full well I did, he doesn't even need me to answer that question. "I'm guessing the LA thing hasn't come up yet huh?"

"No. I haven't found the right time to bring it up. I don't even know if I'm going to do it anyway."

"H, you have too. This will be amazing for you. Working with best song writers in the business, you can't say no to that." Liam says trying to encourage me to make the bold decision to move thousands of miles away. The opportunity of a lifetime came up recently, I have been asked to go to LA to write songs for different artists and also to write and produce my own album. I felt privileged to be even considered for this, but it means I have to leave London for a whole year. Not only will I be leaving my home, but my friends, my family and the love of my life.

"I know, but I can't leave Ava. I don't want too. Long distance isn't going to work, look what happened when we were on tour and that was only 3 weeks long."

"I understand mate. Maybe you could ask her to go with you. You don't know, she could say yes. If she loves you that much then she will at least consider it."

"I can't make her give up her life here Liam, I won't ask her to do that."

"Harry, be selfish just for once. It's only for a year, not forever, just remember that."

"I will look after her when you go mate." Louis smirks and I know full well what he really means by 'looking after her'.

"IF I go. As I said I haven't decided yet." I shrug.

"You were telling Ava to pursue her dream with Aaron's gallery show. I think it's time to pursue yours too." Liam tells me. He has always been the rational, sensible one of the group. He is the go to guy if you need life advice.

"How's Skye and the baby?" I ask him completely changing the subject.

"I see what you are doing." He says, raising his eyebrow and giving me a look of disappointment. Of course he does, he knows me better then anyone, I'm trying to avoid having this conversation because at the moment I can't even think about moving away and leaving my life behind. "But they are fine. Skye's having really bad morning sickness at the moment though. I don't even know why the call it morning sickness it happens throughout the whole day. Any little thing can set her off, she vomited in her handbag the other day, she had to throw it away in the end. She wasn't happy I can tell you that much." He says laughing lightly.

I would miss the birth of Liam's baby if I decide to take Barrow up on his offer. I know there's such things as phone calls, emails, Skype and letters but would that really be enough for me? And what about me and Ava, what could this mean for us?

I become sick with nerves just thinking about telling the girl I love that I could potentially be moving thousands of miles away from her. There's  no way me and Ava could make it work, but would she come with me if I ask? I would be the happiest person in the world if she said yes. I'll casually bring it up to her later and see how it goes I guess.

"You alright?" Liam asks me, knocking me out of my own little bubble.

"Yeah I'm good, don't worry. I'm hungry though, it's about time we order some food."

"I could eat." Niall says, now sitting up fully alert, making me laugh. Niall doesn't mess around when it comes too food.


Once I reach my front door, I stand outside for a few minutes just thinking about how I'm going to bring the LA trip up to Ava. I should have mentioned it as soon as I found out almost a week ago but with everything that went on between us recently I didn't think it was the right time.

I take a deep breath before I unlock the door.

"Baby, I'm home." I shout through the apartment, throwing my keys on the table beside the door. I receive no response so I'm assuming she's asleep. Luckily I remembered to bring home some medicine and I'm ready to smother her in kisses and cuddles, I don't even care if I catch whatever she has come down with.

"Ava." I quietly peek around the door to see her laying in my bed, her back facing me, her hair is sprawled out all over the pillow and her body out of the covers. She only has her underwear on, not that I'm complaining because her ass looks fucking amazing but the heating isn't turned on and it's the middle of winter so I don't want her getting cold, making herself even worse.

I pull up the blankets covering her beautiful body. She's an incredibly light sleeper, usually the littlest noises or movement immediately wakes her up, but luckily she hasn't moved and I kiss her gently on the head before switching off the light leaving her to sleep in peace.

I find the remote to the tv and switch it on, the volume on low incase it wakes up my girl. I scroll through Netflix trying to find a film to watch before heading off to bed myself. I decide on fight club because it reminds me of Ava, as corny and pathetic as that makes me sound. I think I may be slowly convincing myself not to take the LA offer, she's only in the next room and that's too far away. My heart isn't going to let me leave her.

I sigh loudly, laying down on the sofa trying to focus on the movie instead of all the thoughts that are swimming around in my head and I close my eyes for a few minutes trying to block everything out.


Harry! Harry wake up." I hear the faint sounds of Ava's voice as I blink rapidly waiting for my eyes to adjust to the surroundings. How long as she been trying to wake me?

"Hey baby, I was watching a film I must have fallen asleep. How are you feeling?" As I look at her face properly I see her eyes are a little red and puffy indicating that she's been crying.

What happened?

She quickly shoves her phone in front of my face and the bright light hits me in the eyes causing me to squint before I realise what she is actually showing me.

"Harry, what the fuck is this?"

Oh shit.


Ooo a little cliffhanger for you 😆

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