Bonus Chapter - Voicemails

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A/N I thought this deserved its own page ❤️

A/N I thought this deserved its own page ❤️

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I turned off my phone last night. I didn't want to be constantly refreshing my news feed for pictures or statues about Harry and the boys during their night out. I was already hurting I didn't want to make it even worse for myself.

When I woke up this morning and I held my phone in my hand, I contemplated if I should turn it on at all today. The only person I wanted to talk too, didn't want to talk to me. I didn't think there was any point.

Once the loading screen finished and my phone turned on, i saw a notification above the voicemail box and instantly dialled the number to hear it.

7 new voicemails.

They were all from Harry.

1. Sent yesterday at 9.48pm

"Why did you turn your phone off? Are we really going to do this shit again Ava? I wanted to speak to you. Have you gone out again? If you have can you find some decency not to kiss anyone this time? If you are with him again Ava, this is will be the last you ever hear from me"

2. Sent yesterday at 10.04pm.

"I wished I never met you. Then there would be no need to want you as much as I do. No need for loving you. No need for crying over you. No need for this gut wrenching pain. There would be no broken promises. You wouldn't have to act like you care about me or pretend to love me anymore."

3. Sent yesterday at 10.17pm

"I didn't mean that. I don't wish I never met you. I'm glad I met you in fact. You changed me into a better person and for that I'll always be thankful to you. So thank you Ava. You did something right"

4. Sent yesterday at 10.43pm

"Do you know what Ava? I didn't know what love felt like until I met you. And now I also know what a broken heart feels like for the very first time. I would never do that to you. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I want to protect your heart until the day it stops beating. But that's the difference between me and you. I care and you don't. I'm broken because of you. I hope you know that."

5. Sent yesterday at 11.26pm

"There is a girl sitting across the bar staring at me. She keeps calling me over. It's tempting for sure. You know, I will always have that temptation right? Didn't you say that to me? I could prove you right, right now I could go over there and become that guy again. But I won't. I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me. Even with the chance, I could never, ever do it."

6. Sent today at 12.29pm.

"I hate you, for making me feel like this Ava. You have made me so vulnerable. I'm a fucking mess. I'm actually crying and I never cry. I can't deal with these feelings. If I treated you this way, you would hate me too. I don't know if I can get over it. I really want to. Can we get past this?"

7. Sent today at 12.32pm

"Louis is being mean. He said he would take my phone away if he catches me calling you again so you have to be very quite. Ssshhhh. I'm hiding behind the bin. Don't tell him, wait I think he is coming.......False alarm it was just a cat. This cat is looking at me funny. Hey Ava, she has two different coloured eyes like you. Is this you? Is this why you're not answering the phone. Have you turned into a cat? I miss the old you, not the cat version, though you are still very pretty. I miss you, come back to me, I want the old Ava back. My Ava. The one who promised to never hurt me. But baby, let me tell you this. Even though you broke my heart, I still love you with all the pieces"

A/N  short I know just a build up to the next chapter. Please Vote, Share and comment


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