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"What the fuck has got into you two?" Niall flicks his gaze between Harry and I

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"What the fuck has got into you two?" Niall flicks his gaze between Harry and I. "You haven't taken one glimpse in each other's direction the whole time we have been standing here. Was the sex not mind blowing enough?" He turns his body to divert his attention to me. "Could he not get it up?" He smirks then turns to Harry putting his hand comfortably on his shoulder. "It's alright mate, it happens to a lot of guys." Unable to control his laughter anymore, his drops his head towards the floor and erupts into giggles.

Harry stands there with no expression on his face, just casually sipping his drink acting like he doesn't have a care in the world. "Why are you paying so much attention to us anyway? Don't you have something better to do?"

"Seriously, what happened? I'm sensing some unnecessary tension." Louis asks. Yes Louis, unnecessary is definitely right. "You were literally all over each other like 10 minutes ago."

"Nothing happened we are fine." Harry declares, downing the rest of his beer before slamming the cup down on the table beside him.

"Yeah sure we are." I mumble under my breath, rolling my eyes.

"Want to say that a bit louder so we can all hear you?"

Oh my god, here we go. Exactly what I didn't want to happen. It's like he is trying to start an argument with me for whatever unbeknownst reason. I don't know if it's the weed that's making his behaviour so erratic but I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to handle it for.

I stand there not saying anything, unwilling to rise to his stupidity.

He looks at me with raised eyebrows waiting for me to answer. "Didn't think so. So what's your problem?"

He can't be serious right now. He is the one with the problem not me. He started whatever this is, with his ridiculous comment earlier.

"I don't know, you tell me?" I groan. "I don't know what happened to you, we were fine one minute then you make a stupid comment towards me and your whole attitude turned sour."

"What comment?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. The comment that turned you into this asshole standing in front of me right now."

"Pot, kettle, black Ava." He scoffs.

"Well this is uncomfortable" Niall whispers to Louis.

"I actually can't believe this." I shake my head in annoyance. "You said you forgive me, but clearly you haven't."

"I have."

"No Harry you haven't or you wouldn't keep bringing it up."

"One time." he rakes his hand through his hair frustratedly.

"One time to many Harry. Then what? Days later if we have another argument you bring it up again? If it's still bothering you-"

"Of course it fucking bothers me, you kissed someone else" he interrupts, raising his voice, taking a step closer to me.

Him & I ( H.S ) Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now