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10 days into the tour (some of the next few chapters will time jump)

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10 days into the tour (some of the next few chapters will time jump)

"Louis man, get the fuck off me, you are dribbling all over my fucking shirt" I say nudging Louis in the ribs with my elbow. He has taken it upon himself to take a nap on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I needed a nap" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"I'm not your fucking pillow"

"Well, you could be if you wanted" he says with raised eyebrows and a smirk appearing across his face.

"No fucking thank you" I groan.

Fuck, I miss Ava. I just want to hold her.

We have been on this shit tour for over a week now and we have only spoken three times. We keep missing each other even though we are still in the same country and in the same fucking time zone.

Our single has gained a lot of attention this past week and we have even had some fans waiting outside our hotels for us. It's crazy.

There has even been talks of an album deal for us.

But I have yet to tell them that I'm not going to do that even if the opportunity arises.

"Let's go out tonight" Niall says as he throws a ball towards Liam. We have had a delay in our last performance of the day so Liam and Niall have been throwing a ball back and forth to each other for about half an hour now. Not one of them has dropped it which is a surprise considering Niall usually has butter fingers.

"I'll pass" I tell him causing him to roll his eyes.  "Im going to Skype Ava tonight, we have it planned out."

"You had it 'planned' out like 2 days ago mate and look what happened." Louis cuts in.

"She fell asleep" I snap.

"At 7pm?" Niall questions. "Liam has managed to talk to Skye a few times so why not Ava?"

"What are you trying to imply?" I spit. He is really starting to piss me off and I will ruin his pretty face with my fucking fist if he doesn't stop.

"I'm not implying anything. I just think you are wasting your time trying to Skype with her tonight. It hasn't worked out any other time you have tried this past week mate"

I let out a big breath.

"Trust me, we would love for you to talk to her. You are a nicer person when you do. At the moment we are tolerating your moody ass. So just take a chill pill for tonight and come out with us" Niall carries on talking bullshit.

"No I'm going to Skype her like I promised"

Louis and Niall both groan in annoyance but I couldn't actually give a fuck what they think. I just want to talk to her, why is that such a big problem?

Him & I ( H.S ) Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now