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Me and Skye decide to grab a coffee at the cute little cafe just outside of the university.
She picks our seats and tells me to go get the drinks. Seeing as she can't even seem to stand up without frantically swaying all over the place I think it was a good idea.

I order two caramel lattes and take them back to Skye at the table. "I'm guessing last night was fun."I say smiling taking in her appearance. She's wearing sunglasses inside and I'm pretty sure her lipstick is smudged around her mouth still. I don't think she's even been home yet. "Is that why you won't remove your sunglasses?"

"Ava I love you but you need to stop shouting at me babe, I have a hangover from hell."she says massaging her temples with her hands. "You should have came. You would have had lots of fun."

"I had fun thanks." I reply remembering my kiss with Harry last night.

"Babe I think I know you well enough to know you need to re-evaluate your idea of fun." She teases, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Harry came over last night." I look down at the table trying not to show the smile appearing across my face.

Skye's mouth drops open, nearly spitting her coffee out. "Oh my god, that's where he disappeared to the little shit. He said he was going to the toilet and we never saw him again." she pulls down her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose so she can make direct eye contact with me. "Did you guys...get down and freaky?" Her eyebrows now raised and her mouth forms a smile.

"No Skye."I giggle. "We watched a movie."

"And? That can't just be everything. I want to know every single detail." Skye says eagerly.

"We had a moment, we kissed." I say quietly kind of embarrassed by the whole situation.

"Shut up! He finally made a move." she scoffs. "Is he a better kisser than Bruce?" She throws her head back in hysterics.

"Just don't go there." I look at her in disgust. "And for your information, he is an extremely good kisser."

"He looks like he is to be honest. You can just tell with some guys."

Just as we are giggling away, the little ringing of the cafe door goes off as the door opens and I gaze over to see Harry and Liam walking in.
I don't think they have noticed us yet as they seem deep in conversation.
Harry looks incredible, he has a long black coat on, black jeans, a loose white t-shirt and his long wavy locks are up in a bun. I'm definitely a sucker for long hair. I smile and look away quickly before Skye notices me being weird.

"And then she pukes all over Louis's shirt." Skye says in hysterics, bringing me back to reality.

"That sounds hilarious." I reply taking a sip of my latte, clearly oblivious that she was even talking in the first place.

Harry's POV

"Dude I can barely keep my eyes open let's grab a coffee from the cafe, I need to get to art class in an hour. Maybe some caffeine will help me stay awake." Liam says to me while his eyes are slowly closing.

We walk to the little cafe that's just outside the university, to be honest I don't even think I've ever been in there before.

"Good night then? I ask him, as we order our drinks.

"Always is dude, where did you go anyway? You left to use the bathroom and you never came back? Did you find some girl to go home with?"

Him & I ( H.S ) Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now