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Third part of 'Reunited' so yeah



It was late at night as Ian was peacefully strolling throughout the hallway while humming under his breathe when he was caught off guard by a harsh grip on the front of his shirt as was pulled into a room and was slammed against the wall with strong hands wrapped around his neck.

Blinking in confusion, Ian let his eyes quickly adjust to the darkness before slowly smirking when he saw who it was.

"My My little puppet, you're being a bit bold don't you think?" Ian stated with a slight smirk though Simon didn't react to the jolly tone and simply tightens his grip.

Despite the height differences as well as his small stature, Simon easily lifted Ian up a few inches off the ground.

Chuckling from the lack of response, Ian reached up and gripped Simon's wrists, not removing them yet. "Well....you're not my type little puppet, besides I have my eye on a golden bear" Ian said making Simon narrow his eyes and frowns, "Why do you want Benjamin" Simon demanded making Ian chuckle more, "I have no ulterior reason why other than wanting my love back~" he coos out which Simon quickly slammed Ian against the wall once. "Don't lie, there's always a reason for you" the puppet growled out.

Ian simply smirk more, "You seem to know more than you should" he simply stated before tightening his grip around Simon's wrists, "So you should know what I'm capable of if I don't get what I want" Ian said in a low tone, his voice changing in the end. "Then I'll be there to stop you and make sure that you won't hurt anyone here" Simon growled back though Ian let out a dark smirk, his eyes flashing black.

"I know that the others can hold a fight....but what about your boy toy" Ian said making Simon tensed up in surprise. "Hehe, I heard that he can't really hold in a fight...I wonder how he'll look like with some of his limbs broken off~" Ian soon coos out with a smirk, already imagining the way he'll look like, but his thoughts was soon cut off by Simon harshly slamming him against the wall and squeezing his neck.

Letting out a deep growl, Simon soon started to grow taller, his nails growing sharper and his eyes bled to pure black from anger.

"You leave Bodil out of this" Simon growled out as he tightens his grip, making Ian cough a bit from the pressure but still smirking.

"Then stay out of my way" Ian told him as they glared at each other.

Seeing that they're in a standstill and doesn't want to take that risk, Simon let out low growl before harshly dropping Ian and stepped back while changing back, still glaring.

Smirking, Ian stood up while brushing off any dust, "I'm glad we had this talk little puppet, but remember" the rabbit gave Simon a dark smirk as his eyes flashed black, "Stay out of my way and I'll leave your boy toy alone" he stated before walking pass Simon and out of the room.


A 'little' beef between them, so what had happened between them?

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

Crundee Oneshots (boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя