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Before starting, here is their gem and where it's located

Ian's gem - Tourmaline and it located on his left eye

Crainer's gem - Emerald and it located on the middle of his chest

When I was picking their gems, I tried to make it where it fits them so yeah *shrugs*



"Hey Crainer?"

The Dane looked up, turning his attention to his friend, Ian. "What's up?" Crainer said, tilting his head a bit.

Ian stared at the Dane for a few seconds before looking down at his hands, confusing Crainer a bit.

"What do you think...of fusing?" Ian softly asked making Crainer tense up in surprise before looking away with a thoughtful expression.

Despite what people think about it, fusion is suppose to be the ultimate trust between the two people.

"Um....I-I'm not sure" Crainer honestly said while lightly scratching his cheek, "Ive never fused with anyone so I-I don't know what to think of it o-or h-how it feels" he added.

Ian let out a low hum as he thought about the Dane's answer for a minute before easily move to his feet causing Crainer to look up at him in confusion.

"How about you and me fuse?" Ian asked with a smile, catching Crainer by surprise. "F-Fuse?" Crainer stuttered with a light blush which the older nodded and held out his hand. "Yeah, I mean I trust you with my life....so do you trust me?" Ian asked with a light blush.

"Yeah" Crainer didn't hesitate and quickly grabbed Ian's hand, whom easily pulled him to his feet before wrapping his arm around the Dane's waist, not letting go of his hand.

Crainer lightly blushed at the close proximity and looked away, "S-So what do we do?" he shyly asked, embarrassed for not knowing.

Chuckling a bit, "Just follow my lead" Ian simply said before they soon started to dance, "N-No music?" Crainer asked, raising his eyebrow making Ian laugh a bit, "Who needs music" the older simply said which made Crainer laugh a bit before nodding while following Ian's lead.

Even without music, both men danced in complete sync and soon became more comfortable as Crainer happily laugh as Ian spun him around before pulling him close, continuing dance. During the dance, both of their gems soon started to let out a soft warmness and both didn't realize that they're being surrounded by a soft light. As Ian pulled Crainer close, he glanced at the Dane's happy expression and quickly took a chance to lean down, pressing his lips against the smaller's, catching him by surprise, but when he did that, they were suddenly surrounded by a bright light which lasted for a few seconds before it faded away, revealing a single person.

The man stood seven feet tall with light tan skin, light brunet hair that was held back in a pony tail as well as dark purple streaks and his eyes were ocean colored. He was wearing a light gray jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and light gray pants and light blue running shoes.

Blinking a bit, the man looked at his own hands before quickly looking over himself and slightly grin in happiness. 'This feels amazing' he thought before letting out happy laughter as his whole body was swallowed by a bright light for a few seconds before fading away, revealing both Ian and Crainer, stumbling around and laughing.

Along with a successful fusion, they were happy to experience such an amazing phenomenon with each other.


Again I tried xD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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