Don't You Remember~

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This is the continuation to 'Reunited' and I thought that I wouldn't continue this, but this idea just came to me so yeah

I'll probably do a drabble of this Au just like the irl pranks so yeah



Letting out a relief sigh, Benjamin quickly entered a random room and leans against the wall while running his fingers through his hair. For nearly two days, he's had been avoiding Ssundee, now renamed Ian, and it had been difficult with the others constantly wanting to speak to him, wanting to learn more about the new member as well as Nick not letting him leaving which made him envious of Simon, whom doesn't have to deal with this.

Another thing that annoyed Crainer was the fake smile Ian always have when around the others. He knew that Ian was incapable of most emotions, though he didn't really bother pointing it out to the others.

Soon he covered his eyes and let out a deep sign before tensing up when he heard footsteps entering the room and soon felt something brush against his arms, causing him to peak through his fingers and mentally groan out when he saw that it was the person he was avoiding.

"Ian" Benjamin simply said as he pulled his hands away while subtly glaring at the golden rabbit. Ian simply grin at the golden bear as he had his arms placed on either side of the smaller male, trapping him, "Crainer~" he coos out making Benjamin roll his eyes, "Its Benjamin now" the golden bear softly growl out.

"Hehe, I like your other name better, but if you insist" Ian said with a shrug as he stepped closer making Benjamin scowl from the closeness. "You know, you still look cute after all these years" Ian stated with a smirk causing the golden bear to lightly blush but quickly looking away, "Don't lie, we both know how you act" Benjamin mutters making Ian tilt his head, "What do you mean~" Ian coos as he moved even closer, just inches from each other.

Growling, Benjamin placed his hands against Ian's chest, slightly pushing him away, "We both know that you can fake emotions" Benjamin growled at him though it simply made the golden rabbit smirk wider.

"But you're like me" Ian started saying, "Remember that time~ Where we worked together singing for the children at day and at night we lure them~" he purrs as Benjamin was slowly tensing up at the memories, "Don't you remember the feeling of their blood on our hands or the scream~"

"Shut up!" Benjamin growled at him, but Ian kept talking.

"Though despite these fake emotions, the only real emotion I felt was my love for you~" Ian soon coos out before leaning close enough to brush his lips against the other's.

Benjamin tensed up at the feeling before restraining himself from returning the kiss and forcefully pushed Ian away.

"Just stay away from me!" Benjamin growled before stomping out of the room, leaving Ian alone.

Chuckling, Ian simply licked his bottom lip before walking out. 'Very soon~'


So much tension between them xD and I'll do the next part what I FEEL LIKE IT so yeah

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

Crundee Oneshots (boyxboy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ