The Human and the Naga (part final final)

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Yeeeah, I had this idea for a while, kinda like the same idea from 'Love Through Time' so yeah



'This should keep him healthy' Ian thought as he placed the last apple in the hand-made basket.

The basket was filled with many different fruits since the Naga doesn't know which one his mate would prefer and some fish that he fished out from a nearby lake, which looked enough to keep his mate satisfied until the transformation is complete.

Letting out a soft smile, Ian picked the basket up and placed the strap over his shoulder before head back home where his mate was asleep.

As he was getting closer, he slowly started to taste something iron in the air, which sent chills down his spine. 'What is that?' he thought, trying to figure out where he smelled it before.

Soon enough, every sound soon died down to a low hum as he got closer to his cave and felt himself tensing up as the scent got stronger and was mixed up with another scent. 'Please no...' his thoughts trailed off as he moved to the entrance of the cave and looked inside. Then everything went red before darkness.


"Ngh" Ian mutters out as he was startled awake. He tiredly rub his eyes and looked around, seeing that he had fallen asleep on the counter in the kitchen. 'Oh right....its just a nightmare' he thought with a sigh while rubbing his forehead, wiping away some sweat.

Then he heard footsteps behind him and when he looked back, he saw that it was simply Mitch and Jerome. He saw the worried expression on Mitch's face which Ian probably knew why and a mixture of worried and uncertainty on Jerome's face which Ian completely understood why.

Even though Ian never told the other guys, besides Seto, about his true self, he knew that the Bacca's instincts act up whenever they are alone or Mitch is near him.

"You okay dood?" Mitch asked, seeing Ian's troubled expression.

Letting out a low hum, Ian gave the Canadian a reassuring smile, "I'm okay, just had a bad dream" Ian simply told him, luckily Mitch believed him. "Though, I'll be going out for some fresh air" Ian quickly added as he stood up and walked passed them, faintly hearing Jerome's warning growl making him smile a bit.


'He would have love this' Ian thought with a sad smile as he was standing by a large lake, enjoying the light breeze.

As he was lost in his thoughts, he was lightly tracing an outline of the necklace that was hidden under his shirt. He could still remembered when Seto had given it to him to conceal his true form, as well as his sunglasses to give out an illusion of having normal navy blue eyes.

'What would had happened if I haven't found the sorcerer....maybe end my life' Ian thought with a sigh before suddenly broke out of his thoughts when he felt someone hugging him, causing him to instantly tense up when he caught a frighteningly familiar scent.

Ian slowly looked down to see a young man with familiar light brown hair with purple streaks and hauntingly emerald green eyes staring up at him with a concern glint.

"Are you alright?" the man asked in a worried tone.

Quickly swallowing back his sadness, Ian gave the stranger a gentle smile, "Y-Yeah...." Ian said slowly nodding, though it looked like the man didn't believe him and simply cuddles close making Ian blush before shakily wrapped his arms around the stranger. "Sorry, but you looked so sad I wanted to keep you company and make you happy again" the stranger said with a smile.

'....Just like him' Ian thought with a smile, remembering how his lover would try to comfort him. He then looked down before slightly stiffening when he saw something on the stranger's neck.

It was his marking.

' is him' Ian thought, trying to hold back his tears and simply pulled the stranger closer, hearing the smaller man slightly laugh and was rubbing Ian's back in a comforting gesture.

"Sorry if this is weird, but my name is Crainer, how about you?"

" name is Ian and this isn't weird"


Here's a little explanation for the beginning: You guys might have already figured out that it was a dream and if you remembered in the last part, after they had mated, Ian bit Crainer's neck and injecting something into him, therefore starting the transformation for Crainer to turn into a Naga, just like Ian, but during it, it would leave Crainer vulnerable and therefore making it Ian's job to protect him until the transformation is complete...but something had happen

That all I'll say since idk if anyone had figured it out in the last part and yeah

Also I have one more part to this small story so yeah

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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