The Little Dicloninus

148 6 15

This is an AU so yeah xD

Also I loved this anime so yeah xD



"Don't let him get away!"

He could faintly hear them at the distance as he ran even faster. His heart started beating faster when he heard gunshots and suddenly stumbled a bit when he felt pain in his arm. 'Shit' he mentally cursed as he kept running, now holding his injured arm close.

Then he stopped in front of a cliff, staring down at the rampage water underneath. He quickly looked around hoping to find a way across, but tensed up when he heard the shouting becoming louder and had to make a split decision.

"Fuck it" he mutters out before quickly jumping off the cliff and into the rampage water, quickly holding his breath and bracing himself for the fast current.

After he jumped, a group of men wearing SWAT clothes stopped at the edge of the cliff and, what it looked like the leader, a single man looked over and into the river. "Mm..." then the man took out a radio and pushed the button, "The experiment might have died since the current of the river is moving too fast" he talked into the radio and waited for a few seconds for a response. "Go find the body and bring it back" a male voice answered before the radio cut out.

"Move out" the leader called out before the group quickly moved.


"Calm down Derp, we got all day" Ian laughs as he was watching his little brother was pulling his arm towards a large lake for a swim.

Both of them were wearing swimming trunks and shirts while Ian was carrying a large bag.

"I know, but I can't wait" Derp loudly exclaimed with a grin making Ian laugh more.

A few minutes of walking, they finally made it to the lake and as Derp pulled away and ran to the shallow waters, Ian walked until he was a foot away from the waters, placed the bag down and pulled out a blanket to lay on the grass. But he had barely started when he heard a panic yell from Derp making Ian look back, alarmed.

"Derp!" Ian quickly ran to him, worried but when he got close, he saw his brother kneeling down beside a limp body, making him panic and soon kneel down beside Derp.

The person was a young man with light brown hair with light pink streaks and light tan skin. He was wearing a white shirt and shorts, which was soak from the water and looked torn and bloody. Though the thing that caught Ian's eye was the small white cat-like horns on the side of his head.

'Cute....' Ian thought for a moment before quickly shaking his head.

"Derp go get the blanket" Ian quickly said making the younger nod and quickly got up and left for a moment before coming back. Ian took the blanket and wrapped it around the unconscious man before picking him up.

"Follow me" Ian simply told his brother before quickly heading to a friend's place for help.


"Will he be okay?" Ian asked Seto when he saw the small sorcerer walk out of the room.

"Mm...I managed to heal his wounds, so he'll be alright" Seto told him, "He just need some rest" he soon added.

The confirmation made Ian sigh out in relief. Even though the man was a stranger to Ian, he was still worried. He was glad that he send Derp home since Ian stayed for a few hours.

"Can I see him?" Ian asked which Seto nodded, "Of course, just call if you need anything" the sorcerer said before letting Ian inside.

Once inside the room, Ian walked to the bed and sat down. He was staring at the sleeping man and couldn't help but think how adorable he looked when he's holding the blanket up to his chin. Then his eyes trailed up to the small horns, staring at them for a few seconds before Ian slowly reached up and lightly stroked it. 'Mm? Feels like smooth stone' he thought in awe, stroking it for a few seconds before suddenly hearing a low purr and looked down to see the man awake and staring at him with bright emerald green eyes.

Lightly blushing from being caught, Ian quickly pulled away, "I-I'm sorry" he quickly apologized. "Um...h-how are you feeling?" Ian soon asked.

The man stared at Ian with curiosity before slowly lowering the blanket and slightly nodding in response. Ian smiles at the response, "I'm the way, what is your name? My name is Ian" Ian quickly introduced himself.

The man stared at him, 'He haven't looked at me in disgust' "M-My name is Crainer" he shyly replied back.

'I think I'll keep him' Crainer thought with a smile.


It all I have for now xD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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